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belkashif TS Spamming


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-hg- Belkashif


Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/27/picture_56.png


So belkashif comes in and decides to start acting like a raging dickhead. Screams the entire time, and right at the end of the recording he throws out a racial slur. Honestly, I'm sick of it.

He's pretty much screaming in bursts throughout the entire clip, dares people to spam together so that one person can say the N word, so move it to the last minute and listen from there.


It's clearly him, that accent is unmistakable.

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Before you joined we were all in Worldwide friends talking and making jokes and singing and having fun, you came in and heard screaming and stuff going on, so I have no idea how I am abusing or anyone else that was making jokes and screaming and having fun is abusing. Everyone in that channel was having fun nobody complained except you and YOU joined in and just started recording out of nowhere.


We will all in the channel, we always come in that channel and sing and yell and have fun, we werent interuptting anyone in that channel because we all were having fun and enjoying our time. You just came in and started telling us to stop spamming.


As for the N word you dont even know what we meant by the N word, we were saying Noob, Nigeria, No, Now , Nothing. This is an old joke going on between us we never said the N word and will NEVER say the N word.


As for the rest this is TS3 Worldwide friends we have the right to enjoy ourself and have fun. Everyone was doing it and you were the ONLY ONE complaining. We didnt spam in 10 man we didnt spam in gameing channels or anywhere, we were doing it in WORLDWIDE FRIENDS having fun as usual. We have been doing it multiple times and with many people.


When YOU came in for the FIRST TIME you just started complaing and recording stuff. We have been in thic channel for the last week or so everyday we chill there and have fun and talk and sing.

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Actually i was in there before you were, buddy, and you came in yelling Bearthugs name for like a good minute before I started recording then you shut up because you knew you would get caught.


You still said the N word, it's fucking clear as hell.


Troll more, bro.

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I went through this recording like 4 times myself, Belkashif is talking while the N-word is being said. Go to 4:15 in the recording and listen carefully, honestly poison its pretty obvious that you just want him banned. I am in that channel hanging with the euro crowd all the time and I have never once seen you in there. Then you go in to record randomly......its almost as if you are looking for trouble. They spam and talk and sing and have a blast in that channel just like they should be. Who ever did say the N word though should be banned but it def isnt belk. As for you belk you need to stop trying to get people to say it, because you know that's what you were trying to do. Saying anything close to racism is close enough for a ban. So cut it the fuck out.

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Also, Belkashif, we don't need people toying around with the N word saying things like "Nigeria" to see if they can get away with it. That's complete bullshit and you should know better by now.


We have banned people in the past for doing shit like that, and we have no problem doing it again

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