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Banned For No reason


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Well i was playing the scout all in one achievement server and i just entered and i said 'hi' like i usually do , and i got kicked for no reason with most of the people in the server with me.i then entered and said 'why am i being kicked?' i got kicked again, i then entered a third time and got Banned for No reason whatsoever i didn't know who banned me because i didn't get the chance to see.

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I banned you. Here is the deal plamsa. When i came into that server it was freaken chaos. I make it a rule to myself to never go outof my way to permaban anyone and i still stuck by it. When i got on i wrote in big green admin letters that i would be kicking anyone who was not a scout. you were one of many only instead of comming back in and being a scout you shose to be a non-scout again. seeing as its is a scout achievment server you would think people would get the hint but you didnt, after the thrid kick the server auto-banned you. it is only a temp ban so from now on when you go in there try to be a scout or help a scout. no more running around racking up kills as a sniper or a spy or anything eklse that hinders the people who are accually there to work on their SCOUT ACHIVMENTS

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I banned you. Here is the deal plamsa. When i came into that server it was freaken chaos. I make it a rule to myself to never go outof my way to permaban anyone and i still stuck by it. When i got on i wrote in big green admin letters that i would be kicking anyone who was not a scout. you were one of many only instead of comming back in and being a scout you shose to be a non-scout again. seeing as its is a scout achievment server you would think people would get the hint but you didnt, after the thrid kick the server auto-banned you. it is only a temp ban so from now on when you go in there try to be a scout or help a scout. no more running around racking up kills as a sniper or a spy or anything eklse that hinders the people who are accually there to work on their SCOUT ACHIVMENTS


that was because i was helping scouts get achievements as a non scout class,Batting The Doctor,Dodgers 1, Giants 0 etc.

Edited by Plasma_Dragon
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that was because i was helping scouts get achievements as a non scout class,Batting The Doctor,Dodgers 1, Giants 0 etc.


So you help out by sitting there and killing them all? I don't quite remember that achievement.

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While trying to avoid the look of a power hungry admin. . . i joined and told everyone to go scout or they would be kicked. not everyone but those "helping" or everyone but plasma dragon. when i issue and order to try and get some order on a server i expect that order to be followed especially when it is repeated again in text AND over voice. you chose not to listen/read and for that you were kicked along with a bunch of others. The reason they are playing and you are not is because when they came back they went scout and you chose to blatently go against me and do what you wanted. Wait ou the ban and then move on.

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While trying to avoid the look of a power hungry admin. . . i joined and told everyone to go scout or they would be kicked. not everyone but those "helping" or everyone but plasma dragon. when i issue and order to try and get some order on a server i expect that order to be followed especially when it is repeated again in text AND over voice. you chose not to listen/read and for that you were kicked along with a bunch of others. The reason they are playing and you are not is because when they came back they went scout and you chose to blatently go against me and do what you wanted. Wait ou the ban and then move on.


you didn't tell me anything about going scout and if not i would be banned.i just came in,said hi,got kicked,came back,got kicked again,then i was banned. you didn't say anything to me.and it wasn't just me you where kicking either.you where kicking virtually everyone thier and people are getting the impression that i was the only person thier 'disobeying' the rules and the rules weren't evern reiterated to me.

Edited by Plasma_Dragon
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I will try this again...


While trying to avoid the look of a power hungry admin. . . i joined and told everyone to go scout or they would be kicked. not everyone but those "helping" or everyone but plasma dragon. when i issue and order to try and get some order on a server i expect that order to be followed especially when it is repeated again in text AND over voice. you chose not to listen/read and for that you were kicked along with a bunch of others. The reason they are playing and you are not is because when they came back they went scout and you chose to blatently go against me and do what you wanted. Wait ou the ban and then move on.


No one is making you out to be the only person who was being an ass. . your the only one who came here and complained about being kicked/banned for doing something wrong. and dont give me that crap that nothing was said after you came in because i remeber for a fact that you were there both times i typed it and the one time i voiced it was going to happen. oh and one last thing... Ask anyone one in HG i make it a policy to kick 3 times after that the server auto-bans. so that shoots your story all to hell.


Moral of the story is....



Edited by SniperWolfMGS
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I will try this again...




No one is making you out to be the only person who was being an ass. . your the only one who came here and complained about being kicked/banned for doing something wrong. and dont give me that crap that nothing was said after you came in because i remeber for a fact that you were there both times i typed it and the one time i voiced it was going to happen. oh and one last thing... Ask anyone one in HG i make it a policy to kick 3 times after that the server auto-bans. so that shoots your story all to hell.


Moral of the story is....




i entered after the big green letters came up!! no letters came onto my screen when i came in! i joined the server as a load of people you kicked where joining!!!

Edited by Plasma_Dragon
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i entered after the big green letters came up!! no letters came onto my screen when i came in! i joined the server as a load of people you kicked where joining!!!


Pics or it didn't happen. I would assume you're unbanned by now, which means you should go play and stop wasting our time here. No point in arguing something you can't prove. Especially considering you STILL haven't provided your pedigree information in the template's format...

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