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Banned for no reason


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[Team ATi] Foobies.M3

Css Jailbreak

ht falling star never rebels

No clue


So i was playing in the Jailbreak Css server and as i was playing, we were playing evil simon and i said evil simon says all ts 180, there were about 10 alive only 3-4 did a 180, i said to kill the rest. with the remaining few, i told them evil simon was down to go to the races, i stated very simply, Do not go untill you hear my GO command only when i say Go. i pressed the button someone went, i then said to go, and shot the guy that went, i was then banned by falling star for nothing.

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You were banned because he obeyed your rules, he simply was trying to get to the same point the rest of the Ts were so it wouldn't be unfair. Then you decided to be smarmy about it saying you couldn't get votebanned. I just wanted to give you a small reminder that just because your friend has admin does not elevate you above the rules of the server. It was a 5 minute ban and you're already back in. Calm yourself. But for future reference, that's why we have the "go" button in the first place, to eliminate human error out of the equation. Use it :P

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Umm think again because all i said was have fun VOTE BANNIng me, meaning no one is going to because it was not a freekill, there for you banned me for no reason, just cause my friend as you say it has admin doesnt mean anything and i know that, so i think you need to be a little easy on that ban button, you banned me for nothing regarless of anything. i said have fun vote banning me, not banning me in general, and i dont care how long the ban was, it still should not have happened. Stop trying to cover your mistake. because you told scopes you banned cause you thought i freekilled. and cts can give any order they want, so if i state very clearly do not go unless i give command. that is kinda what ur supposed to do.


Thats admin abuse

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He was trying to make the race fair for him by getting up to the start area where the rest of the Ts were, and you shot him. You can give commands yes, but you can't put a T at an intentional disadvantage just because you don't know how to use the start button. I'll close this thread due to excessive whining, but anyone else feel free to add their 2 cents.

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