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My New Computer Soon....


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prius that computer is far too overpriced for the performance you will get. dont just buy the most expensive thing. its a good idea to buy about 6 or 12 months behind the newest products. trust me, i have probably built over 20 computers since college, most of them gaming computers or servers. as soon as you buy the bleeding edge thing, something better will come out 2 or 3 months later and u will feel like a total nub. dont spend more than 2500 dollars on a high-end gaming computer. that is the absolute max. anything over that, and you are getting scammed if you think its actually going to make even 5 FPS difference. 2000 is a good number to shoot for for a high end. 1000 and under will get you a VERY capable computer. (price i say does not factor in monitor, speakers, headphones, keyboard, mouse, or any other peripherals)

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Guest Crothers
...u will feel like a total nub...



Yea.. he will in a second..




I can build a system from my hardware vendor, for 1/10th of that price and it will still kick out 300 FPS.


Shittt, Homer's archaic machine kicks out 350 FPS on his 1920x1280 42' 1080p LCD TV.


Go old school, Intel C2D 2.2

2gigs of decent ram

8800 GTS





Your playing CSS here, not Crysis.

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Guest Crothers

Well I think we made our point. We all spend money better then the OP.


JJK, I'm serious. Rename yourself to lil'kush and I'll hack admin for you for life.

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Yea.. he will in a second..




I can build a system from my hardware vendor, for 1/10th of that price and it will still kick out 300 FPS.


Shittt, Homer's archaic machine kicks out 350 FPS on his 1920x1280 42' 1080p LCD TV.


Go old school, Intel C2D 2.2

2gigs of decent ram

8800 GTS





Your playing CSS here, not Crysis.



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