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what is opportunity ? What opportunity is there for you could say nor predict in HG?


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I'm just gonna be blunt here- you are lying. You created this thread primarily to garner sympathy from other members and the administrators. You are trying to make us feel bad for you by spinning us a long tale of how you don't think there's ever going to be opportunity for you, because you made a few mistakes and were a little mean.


Actually, you aren't lying, necessarily. You are underplaying the truth. Most likely (At least, from what I've seen from the comments in this thread.) you say demeaning things when things aren't going your way or when someone proves you wrong. Either that, or you are the sweet little wronged angel you seem to be putting yourself to be.


Creating threads wondering why you aren't Veteran won't ever get you to become a Veteran...that I can guarantee, at least from my limited experience on the site.

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