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Still banned for being awesome.


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[sarcasm]I'm speed hacking so hard in that demo.[/sarcasm]


Added some sarcasm tags since you obviously think I was serious.


[sarcasm]Here at [HG] we ban players for being too good at minigames.[/sarca... oh wait that wasn't sarcasm. You actually DO ban players for being too good.




Honestly, Deadlock himself even said he made a mistake.

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AND, stop posting in this thread unless you have REAL proof to help this situation.


Do it again, they call me qr, receive a forum BAN


EDIT - Not unbanned. One reason you are not getting unbanned is because of the way you acted in this thread and the other one that I deleted. Make another request, get banned from the forums.

Edited by JessicaJoy
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You obviously didn't click on the thread I linked. Or I wouldn't have to fill out this info.


And if you're gonna get mad at me for being an asshole when I was wrongfully banned in the first place and have to jump through all these hoops just to get unbanned, then lol.


Name: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/46543-Toggling?highlight=nyro

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:334599

Server: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/46543-Toggling?highlight=nyro

Banning Admin: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/46543-Toggling?highlight=nyro

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