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Midweek Madness - Section 8: Prejudice 66% off!


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Act now and take advantage of huge savings! Section 8: Prejudice and the newly available downloadable content are available at 66% off during the Midweek Madness sale.


Plus, save even more on the 4-pack, which is available now! The 4-pack includes 4 copies of Section 8: Prejudice and 4 copies of each of the DLCs. Give the extra copies to your friends!


The new DLC includes the Blitz Pack, Overdrive Map Pack and Frontier Colonies Map Pack, which bring you new ammo, armor and multiplayer maps.


On the battlefield, prejudice takes many forms, knows no boundaries, and drives all conflict. In the distant future, humanity will call on its most fearless defenders to confront an emerging threat determined to eradicate all human life as we know it.


Offer ends Thursday at 4pm Pacific Time.





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