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MW3 to have dedicated servers

Chicken Wings

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K nerds the leader of the development team wouldn't just go lie like a dumbass and they aren't infinity ward


Is it a CoD game? Are parents still largely irresponsable and buying Mature games for their 10 year old children so they dont have to pay attention to them? Is teabagging still big, and is Machinima still going to whore out videos of CoD?


Then im still not getting it.

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Is it a CoD game? Are parents still largely irresponsable and buying Mature games for their 10 year old children so they dont have to pay attention to them? Is teabagging still big, and is Machinima still going to whore out videos of CoD?


Then im still not getting it.


So what you are saying is that you play on Xbox live.....

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