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Council member request


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this hellraiser person does not have my steam id nore has this person ever had my id we are two differnt people with two differnt steam ids it is impossible that we have had the same id because you guys banned him in thepast from some other account i have never been banned on here from this steam id man

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they want monkey to get involved because i heard he is a very rude person that just got banned resently and what not it was all over the teamspeak what monkey got banned naw i take someone whos more muture then monkey..................................I Want a fair chance i am only going off the rules thats it!!!

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when that guy got caught on hg cheating i cant remember his name but he did get caught for cheating on here and he was banned from here right yall let him come back on differnt steam id differnt idenity ......Id monkey got perma banned he has the option to come back with a differnt idenity ...................Simple my idenity is differnt i am not the person you thought i was!!

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One more post and you're banned from the forums forever.


Kigen told you not to fucking post and you posted 4 times in the past 4 minutes


when that guy got caught on hg cheating i cant remember his name but he did get caught for cheating on here and he was banned from here right yall let him come back on differnt steam id differnt idenity ......Id monkey got perma banned he has the option to come back with a differnt idenity ...................Simple my idenity is differnt i am not the person you thought i was!!



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