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Banned for nothing.


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1. Abuser name:BigJohn

2. Their Steam Id:Not Sure

3. What server: Garry's Mod PERP 3.0

4. About what time:9:00PM PST

5. PROOF: It all happened iN Server Chat, Takashi Nakamaru, Boss Hogg

6. Please tell us about the incident:I corrected a statement bigjohn made after insulting me. Before this, DNA SPlicer beat me down to death in the hardware store and BigJohn did not respond to my requests until I said he wasn't doing his job. After five minutes, he finally decided to give DNA Splicer a warning. After this, BigJohn insults me, I inform him that he needed to use punctuation, then I get a twenty minute ban. No rules were broken.


Apparently BigJohn thinks it's against the rules to correct an admins grammar. 20 minute ban for literally informing him that it's spelled "You're" not "Your". Honestly, this is the second time I have been punished by BigJohn, both times without any evidence or warning. Just before I was kicked, BigJohn and I were discussing a conflict I had with another admin, DNA Splicer, and he recieved a warning for beating me down randomly in the hardware store. After this, BigJohn insults me and bans me.



I did nothing against ANY rules. Nowhere does it state that it is a bannable offence to correct an admin's grammar.


The names I gave can back up my story, even though the entire server saw it happen in OOC.


Forrest Gump. I did not insult BigJohn at all until he bluntly stated "You are dumb Forrest."


By bluntly, I meant you stated it bluntly. No insult intended.


Thor is my Steam ID


How am I supposed to get evidence if He bans me before I can screenshot?

Edited by Papa John
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this is u as a cop after u ran over someone and u were random ticket writing an than u cdm again to a firefighter end of sentence


and u always complaing and trolling with your lil buddy so my advice is yall should chill out or find a different server thanks.

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I ticketed him because he was parked FULLY on the sidewalk. ATV FULLY on the sidewalk.

Chief Smakcahoe is my proof. he is the one that noted it was directly conflicting with his path on the sidewalk.



How am I supposed to screenshot something if I don't even get warned about it? And the ATV was parked fully on the sidewalk. he has no prooof it wasn't. Why is it expected that I screenshot EVERY vehicle I ticket, but BigJohn can ban me for "wrongfully" ticketing without even looking at the ATV. It was parked on the sidewalk. FOUR WHEELS. That means I am allowed to ticket it.

Edited by Papa John
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As per HG | Generaltim [L]'s instructions:


Thor you dont have any proof..Word of mouth from other user is not considered proof, use screenshots or demos.


Word of advice, dont fight with admins, they will not even mess with you if you just follow the rules and stop arguing with them.


Not Abuse.

Edited by Rizon
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