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Help my dog it's chewing stuff


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Dogs chew because they're bored. Exercise will tire it out, and it'll be less destructive. Also, negative reinforcement (Hitting. Rubbing its nose in it.) doesn't work for a lot of dogs. Unless you catch the animal in the act, it usually can't make the correlation between the act it's being hit for and the hitting itself. Alternatively, you can replace the item its chewing on with an item that it's allowed to chew on, like a squeak toy or a bone.


Food for thought.

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Dogs chew because they're bored. Exercise will tire it out, and it'll be less destructive. Also, negative reinforcement (Hitting. Rubbing its nose in it.) doesn't work for a lot of dogs. Unless you catch the animal in the act, it usually can't make the correlation between the act it's being hit for and the hitting itself. Alternatively, you can replace the item its chewing on with an item that it's allowed to chew on, like a squeak toy or a bone.


Food for thought.

pretty sure you have 3 seconds time (I think that's what my friend's girlfriend told me) she trains dogs and she said you have 3 seconds to discipline it or else it's clueless about what you're hitting it for :\
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Get another dog, its board and its having frustration so it starts to chew on things to get its mind off of something... I use to chew on my hoodies strings because I was thinking and was bored...


I own 2 dogs Chocolate lab and German Shepard. My lab use to chew on everything and once I got my German, he stopped and played with my Shepard, it wasn't instant as it took time for them to get sociable...

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Get another dog, its board and its having frustration so it starts to chew on things to get its mind off of something... I use to chew on my hoodies strings because I was thinking and was bored...


I own 2 dogs Chocolate lab and German Shepard. My lab use to chew on everything and once I got my German, he stopped and played with my Shepard, it wasn't instant as it took time for them to get sociable...


Everyone chews their hoodie strings. ARGUMENT IS INVALID.

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