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PC Gaming is NOT DEAD!!!


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sooo.....a laptop that size of a macbook pro that will most likely cost more then a macbook pro and has a ok gpu for playing old games..i say old because chances are they downclocked the shit out of it to be able to run it cool enough to fit in that thing just like the i7 thats in it.

sorry but http://promos.asus.com/us/g74/index.htm is still the best even though its a whole half inch thicker.. i guess most people cant pick up a 9.4lb notebook?

the only way to get xbox players away from their xboxs is to sell gaming pc's at the same price as xbox's.. its simple haha but cant be done

EDIT- so just looked more into this...its going to cost 2800$ when it is released around xmas...the asus cost 1700$


Edited by BranHorse
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sooo.....a laptop that size of a macbook pro that will most likely cost more then a macbook pro and has a ok gpu for playing old games..i say old because chances are they downclocked the shit out of it to be able to run it cool enough to fit in that thing just like the i7 thats in it.

sorry but http://promos.asus.com/us/g74/index.htm is still the best even though its a whole half inch thicker.. i guess most people cant pick up a 9.4lb notebook?

the only way to get xbox players away from their xboxs is to sell gaming pc's at the same price as xbox's.. its simple haha but cant be done

EDIT- so just looked more into this...its going to cost 2800$ when it is released around xmas...the asus cost 1700$


When i say the name that was under the screen on that laptop, i thought it said anus...

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I Have a lot of friends that use the consoles and laugh at me that i use a gaming pc but if we could actually play 1v1 in any game i will show these little tards whats gaming and whats the diffrence beetween PC and a Console .

A Cool looking laptop or anything else won't make them stop playing their consoles all we need is cheaper computers as branflake said as most of gamers r below the age of 18 and cant work and earn for a pc like ours so they ask their parents for a cosnole thats costs 300$ not 3000$.

Its impossible to make them change to pc.

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