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Whats the Deal? (Need Help)


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So my clan application keeps getting turned down. I have been in New Jersey for the past 2 months with no computer access. I get back and im demoted. Ok well thats cool but then when i try to reapply i get declined twice. I had past problems with jailbreak server but i resolved all those problems with the other Admins, Managers, and Players involved. I settled everything and i was back on track and even some said i had proven i was not really just saying i would behave just so i could troll again. So im just a bit confused on why now all of a sudden all the stuff that was solved is now being brought back down upon me. Please get back to me, all i want is some clarification or something. Thanks :)

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  • Executive Council

It would be your attitude.


Stop making threads about it. No one likes hearing people whine.

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