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Anyone want a copy of Obama's tax return?


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At least he pays taxes on that. Allegedly.


I think a little honesty would be refreshing. It works fairly well as a business model, but I suppose it's a little underwhelming to hear the handful of things that can actually make it through legislation in 4 years. It's a shame Obama is the closes thing to transparency we've had in a good long while. Even if there is a pretty good chance that the transparency isn't really that transparent.

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cant this be fake anyhow?


Yes and no. I'm not sure if it's the "official gov't copy", but his tax return is a public document. It has to be available to the public. Not to mention the fact that I know what software White house staff uses to prepare their returns.

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Yes and no. I'm not sure if it's the "official gov't copy", but his tax return is a public document. It has to be available to the public. Not to mention the fact that I know what software White house staff uses to prepare their returns.


Umm, he took the family to H&R Block.

It is not a secret.


And as for Lamp, no I don't want that kind of president.

I want a president that will spend money on underground drilling, so that we can drill to the middle east and steal the oil from under the ground.


The gases that are going to come from the melted permafrost will put more crap in the atmosphere than our oil burning does.


Edited by vandium
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Which is exactly why Bob Barr should have won!


Nevertheless, I see nothing Obama doing that is wrong. He pays 900,000 in taxes WTF!!! And anyways any good economist knows the only way out of a recession is to increase spending to increase our real aggregate output/GDP. Yes, debts come along with it, but it's going to be the reason we're out of a recession in a year or less, not muddling around and cutting our deficit NOW.


Anyways we're not in the classical range of the Keynesian model so we can keep increasing the real GDP without raising the price level - only because we're not at full employment.


Didn't vote past election but I like what he's doing. Or at least he knows how to hire smart people.





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