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Sep 25th 2011 THE WORLD ENDS


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For the record... this is a gaming forum. While I am about to discuss eschatological theology and end times hooplah... feel free to completely ignore it. We all come here for shits and giggles, but if you WOULD like to learn a bit more about CHRISTIAN End Times theology, click the Ninja tag.


Any attempts at placing the end of the world are mere postulation. There's no understanding yet of what exactly will cause it, and there is thus no way to place a time for what will happen. It's like trying to pinpoint the time of your death when you have no idea how you are even going to die in the first place.


Christian Eschatology, Bearthug, does lie on the famous concept of the Day and Hour Unknown. However, Revelation and the Gospels to provide very concrete signs as to when the end times will occur (again according to Christian theology). These signs include things like internal Civil War (Egypt, Israel, Iran anyone?), unusual geophysical phenomena (Earthquakes on the East Coast US and a devastatingly powerful Tsunami in Japan), and the full release of the Gospel to "every tongue" which "experts" have predicted to be possible within the next decade. All this in mind, many Christians both well-taught and the more ignorant of us do believe the "End Times" to be within the next decade or two, but again it's all just postulation.


The ONE SURE fire-sign which will give a TIMELINE to the end of days according to Revelation is the declaration by the Anti-Christ in the temple at Israel of himself being the returning savior Jesus. At this point there exists a discrete timeline, but that hasn't happened. Still waiting for Oprah to take her vacation to the Middle East. XD


TL;DR: No, there is no way now to specifically know when the world will end... IF the world will end. This includes both science and religion. But if you DO follow Christian theology and eschatology, there are distinct signs that will foretell the coming end of days.


On a completely unrelated note...


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Some of you make it seem like I agree with everything he's saying- Which I don't.

But he does make some valid (IMO) points which I listed under the video.

some of you also seem to be missing the point; Which is if this Elenin/Nibiru thing is a comet or a star.

Either way its coming into our solar system and it may impact earth and can cause a lot of things to go wrong. (Obviously)

This is a quote from NASA Buzzroom: "These are my calculations, but I’ve revised from the original 0.24AU’s down to

0.0004617 AU’s" ( The site was taken down after they had released this information) http://buzzroom.nasa.gov/

(Can we all agree that NASA is a government owned site and the government tries to hide things from us?)


0.0004617 AU = 42,917 Miles (Which is closer than the moon) Moon is at average 238,857 miles


So this comet/star thing is coming towards Earth and it might make impact which will cause problems. That's the point I'm trying to make.

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