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Wolfman - Newfags (Lazarus Diss) (FREE MP3) [NSFW]


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People were telling me to not post this and that it was too harsh...can you imagine if it was just about you? If I wanted it to be about you the title would of been Lazarus, and I could spend three minutes ripping you a new asshole but I didn't


Prodigy plays it in game you rage at him for encouraging my "bullshit" and so forth I'm not here to argue take from it what you will but I don't see any retaliation other than anger, as for everyone who liked it.


Thanks, talked a little with JJK and he might be coming out with a wolfman diss... I suggest you all bug him about it.




To each is own my friend

To each his own. You ever pass an English class? Your sentence structure is just deplorable and jumbled, a lot like your lyrics.

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To each his own. You ever pass an English class? Your sentence structure is just deplorable and jumbled, a lot like your lyrics.


Thanks for pointing that out, I will make sure and try my best to live up to your standards next time I rap and/or post on the forums.

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Thanks for pointing that out, I will make sure and try my best to live up to your standards next time I rap and/or post on the forums.

I wouldn't normally point out spelling or grammar errors, but you specifically made a post to flame someone and make people mad. You're just a shit stain of a recruit. Go back to 4chan and stay there.

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Mediocre beat, your flow needs work. But seriously? Why even make this shit. Its so generic, when your not flaming someone you're speaking of your own dick or sex in general? Really? This entire thing is just way too offensive. Think again before you post this type of shit again.


Oh and im sorry for taking this too harshly but you made a song, just to mess with one person. Thats just messed up. Either rap it yourself or dont make it altogether. This just made me sick to my stomach. Watch yourself next time.

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