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A monitor used for presentations went bad (22 in. standard aspect)


They want a new monitor/tv with plug and play powerpoint capabilities. It needs to be fairly large as it will be used for presentations. It needs to be light since it gets shipped and carried all over the world. It cannot be widescreen. IT CANNOT BE WIDESCREEN. Widescreen squishes the presentations with the technologically illiterate people using them. The issue at hand is finding a monitor/tv with a usb port that will play a pps file. I know the pps acts like a .exe, and the usb stick as a hard drive. But I don’t see how a cheapo monitor/tv will be able to process what to do w/ a pps/exe.






USB Port

Preinstalled viewer software




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For portability purposes, we have a number of projectors that we loan out around the building for assorted meetings and whatnot. Larger display size, standard resolution. Of course, you need an input source, but laptops seem so commonplace during meetings and presentations anyway.

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A monitor used for presentations went bad (22 in. standard aspect)


They want a new monitor/tv with plug and play powerpoint capabilities. It needs to be fairly large as it will be used for presentations. It needs to be light since it gets shipped and carried all over the world. It cannot be widescreen. IT CANNOT BE WIDESCREEN. Widescreen squishes the presentations with the technologically illiterate people using them. The issue at hand is finding a monitor/tv with a usb port that will play a pps file. I know the pps acts like a .exe, and the usb stick as a hard drive. But I don’t see how a cheapo monitor/tv will be able to process what to do w/ a pps/exe.






USB Port

Preinstalled viewer software





What a horrible request. This monitor you are requesting is a unicorn.

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What a horrible request. This monitor you are requesting is a unicorn.


I decided to not even mention the fact that Neil Patrick Harris would likely shoot forth from said monitor. I'd say your only chance of finding something like this are the computer/monitor composites that people usually run public display information out of, like phone queue info or other kinds of dashboards. The problem is that they are neither cheap, nor light. Laptop and projector.

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rofl @ terry. And yeah, the whole request was centered around a USB stick driven presentation. No projector. Its used more for like "booth presentation" you know? Where you tell about your company at a convention center etc etc. I'm thinking I'll present 2 options:


-regular cheap monitor (non-widescreen) and they use their laptop

-tv with usb input. save ppt as jpegs and play as slide show (no animations though)

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