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Never Forget - I can't believe it's been this long.


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wats dat?


Based on your age I'm guessing you're not trolling, let me explain.


Michigan is easily one of the most recognizable teams in college football, this was the first week of the season(ironically the first game ever on the Big 10 Network, which Michigan is a part of). Normally in the first week of the season, big schools schedule teams that they can easily roll over. Enter Appalachian State, a D-2 team and the previous years Division 2 National Champions. No match for Michigan right? Wrong. The entire game App State had pestered Michigan, keeping close. Appalachian State had the lead with 6 seconds left and all Michigan had to do was kick a very short field goal and they would win, easy. Well, the video tells the rest of the story.


Here's the radio call.



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