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Blocks That Matter Updated


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  • Fix Mac Lion launcher issue from Steam Client
  • ghost sand block when toggling puzzle mode just after drilling a sand block
  • wrong tab content when returning to the level selection in the community section level bonus 'hanging garden' fixed





  • rating level : up / (down + 1) instead of up / (up + down + 1)
  • Shooting star (star that disappear when you replay without staring again an already stared level)
  • auto anim
  • ground blocks not well initialized when opening/editing a map
  • [editor] editor lava blocks crash
  • actor picking on various auto
  • ground always select the regular ground one
  • achievement checker at launch to prevent missed ach due to offline mode
  • names of custom levels not displayed in pause menu (useful to give hints... or base your puzzle on the name of the level)
  • Falling blocks can crash the editor if they fall in an infinite gap (no ground under them)
  • crash when skiping tabs in My Creation Section (since there is no tabs in there)
  • stronger online code to try avoiding the fact that levels sometimes not uploaded on SSS server, or uploaded with corrupted files
  • Owner of a level shouldn't be able to vote for it's own level
  • When level fails to load, erase if it's a Community one!
  • some thumbs icons stay displayed if player vote quickly
  • bug crate that give a sand block
  • crash fix: sometimes game crash when crate are not filled with 4 or more blocks
  • remove (soon) from Gromy games One Eye Adventure (which is available!)
  • editor actors params not in good order (now sorted alpha) some typos




  • param NO CAM MODE on PLAYER_SPAWNER to avoid camera mode to be usable
  • When level fails to load, erase if it's a Community one!
  • Clean Tetrobot params
  • Desc on tracks for the background musics behaviour
  • do not limit the blocks to 4 in a crate
  • Skip texts dialog option Colorize the already done levels in Community mode (yellow/orange)




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