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Garry's Mod Mega-Thread!


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What is Garry's Mod?!

Garry's Mod is a sandbox mod for the Source Engine. Unlike normal games there aren't any predefined aims or goals. Players are given tools and are left to entertain themselves.


The player is in a world where objects can be created and destroyed on demand. Where people can be created and destroyed with the click of a mouse. A world made for him. A world he made.


What do you do in Garry's Mod?!

There are a lot of things you can do with Garry's Mod, but here's a few of the more common uses.


But be warned: There is a learning curve to Garry's Mod. You can not just jump in expecting to build a gigantic fortress in the sky. You will need to progress in you building skills as time goes on. Ask anyone of the more fond Garry's Mod players, we didn't get this good overnight. We've made countless contraptions that built on our skills. And another thing, we all were a huge noob at the game at one time, so don't worry if you don't quite fit in at first because you can only make a car and someone else can make a rocket ship.



Garry's Mod provides tools to constrain objects together in various ways. Using these tools the player can create working contraptions.


The simplest example is a car. The player spawns an object to be used for the car's body then adds wheels by firing the tool gun at the object. Wheels are then controllable using the numpad on your keyboard.


You don't have to make moving contraptions though - want to build a fort out of wooden crates then set it on fire? Go for it! Want to build a house using fridges for the walls and mattresses for the ceiling then drive a jeep into it all? Go for it!



Posing and Comics

One of the universal appeals of Garry's Mod has been the ability to place and pose ragdolls. This allows you to create your own comic books and share them online. One major comic spawned from this is HLComic - the story of Gordon Frohman's journey in City 17.


Garry's Mod gives you the ability to place ragdolls, manipulate their facial expressions and aim their eyes.




User Created Content


Garry's Mod benefits greatly from a thriving community which is constantly churning out new ideas, maps, models, gamemodes, weapons, Lua scripts and skins.


This being said, our very own Garry's Mod Build Server, will have various custom user created content, which will be needed if you want to play on the server. At first, getting the material and installing it can be very annoying and that is why I am here to point you in the right direction and show you what you will need to play successfully on our server!


Now to install some of these you will need something called Tortoise SVN. This is a program developers use to constantly update and supply their customers. Garry's Mod users have taken advantage of this program and now use it to regularly update their addons. Here is how to use it:


1.) First off, visit Tortoise SVN's Download Page, and download the correct version for your Operating System.


2.) Once done installing Tortoise SVN, which I will now refer to as SVN, you will notice when you right click on a file you will have more "options". One being, SVN Checkout.


3.) Go to your Garry's Mod folder, usually found in, My Computer/Local Disk (C: )/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/<yoursteamaccount>/garrysmod/garrysmod.


4.) You will notice a file called addons. If you go in there, you should see a few folders, with the default content.


5.) Well now we are going to add some custom user created content. We will add PHX which is a needed addon for our server.


6.) Fist make a new folder in your addons folder called PHXSVN or whatever you would like to name it, for you to recognize it.


7.) Now right click on that folder, and you should see an option called "SVN Checkout..." Click on that.


8.) That should bring up a window that looks like this:



9.) You are going to insert the link for the PHX SVN in the "URL of Repository" box.

For PHX it is https://phoenix-storms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phoenix-storms


10.) Once in just click "OK" and it should start to download the apropriate files for you.


Now you set to go with PHX!!


To install most other mods, you will just need to do the same thing but insert the diffrent "URL of Repository" for the adddon.




SVN = https://phoenix-storms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phoenix-storms

SVN = https://svn.wiremod.com/svn/wiremod/
USERNAME - anonsvn
PASSWORd - anonsvn

SVN = http://gcombat-extended.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/GCX/

LINK - http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=35442




New Video! Goes over the above but in video form!

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU9K2xkphpU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU9K2xkphpU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>





Steam - jeyers20

AIM - shortyjamescr250

Edited by Waffle<3
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We need to find some more ways to promote the server. Here, I will post on the Garry's Mod Forums (Facepunch)


Other than that we need some help.


ALSO: if you need ANY HELP what so ever, feel free to tell me what it is and I will help.

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