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Giving out phone number

Doctor Derp

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Someone on steam gave out my phone number, I don't know who did or why. If you ever saw a number like the one at the bottom of the thread being passed around, please tell me. I woke up too about 1000 messages saying something along the lines of "Paging Doctor Derp, Come in Doctor Derp" and then followed by 2 letters and maybe a number a few were "1U" "H3" and "mY"



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A couple of people in HG have my number, but only the ones I trust. If someone gave out your number and you're still getting messages/voicemails/calls, go to your provider and change your number. If they have a problem tell them someone found it on the internet and you're being harassed. Almost a 100% guarantee they'll change your number for harassment.


Food for thought

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Why give out your number to anyone at all? Everyone on the internet is a troll.


Unless you know the person in real life, don't give it to anyone.

You didn't know Faithless IRL till you had mutha fucking hawt dowgs with him.



















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