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Racker16 Admin Abuse


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1. Abuser Name : [HG] Racker16

2. Their Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:15814042

3. What Server : Hellsgamers Jailbreak

4. About What Time : 11:00 PM

5. Proof : http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578932944864996262/AFF1E9D3F7E93475652BE827CE78250C6754AF5C/

6. We were having a war day in knife-arena vents when two people, -hg- Guy With The Face and [HG] Racker16, were playing music at the same time and people were repeatedly asking Racker to stop. I muted him in efforts to stop the spam cause it was making people buffer. A second later he unmutes himself and continues playing the song and making everyone buffer out. I continue to mute him one more time and a second later I end up getting a kick saying "no."


I don't see this as very mature conduct especially as an admin. I was just trying to help out the server by reducing spam, which is an admins job. I have -hg- Guy With The Face and -hg- Doc Brown, both great admins, to back me up on this claim.




Edited by Roflcopta
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As seen in the photo, Racker kept unmuting himself. No one had asked me to stop, therefore I continued playing. Regardless, after Racker kicked roflcopta I stopped playing my music. Racker continued to un-mute himself even when All T's were muted just so he could play his music. He disregarded anyone's request to stop playing.



-hg- Guy With The Face

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First off, i was playing the music first, no one asked me to stop and "guy with the face" started spamming over me. I diddn't really care until roflcopter muted me and then un-muted the other guy so he could play his music. I un-muted myself because muting me in the first place without saying anything was uncalled for, and then he followed it up with another mute while un-muting his friend. The only people who actually complained about the music was rofl and his friend because they wanted to play their own music.


It was a warday that was almost over and you missed out maybe on 2 seconds of game time. Ill admit the kick was probably completely unnecessary and the reason wasen't correct either which is also punishable by the admin rules and ill take any punishment associated with breaking those rules.


Although I should mention I was ready to drop the issue right there, move on, and play jailbreak. rofl continued to spam and bitch about the whole situation while threatening me with an abuse report. I think its ironic that you talk about mature conduct when you yourself was just as immature.


When it comes down to it we both abused, i was ready to move on and forget it even happened and he wasn't, which is why we are here. Ill take any punishment as stated, and honestly I'm just going to go back to playing jailbreak and whatever happens happens ^.^

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First off, i was playing the music first, no one asked me to stop and "guy with the face" started spamming over me. ........


It was a warday that was almost over ....


We both started playing it right at 5:30 so to say I was "spamming" over you is quite misleading.


Secondly, the war day was not almost over. It had only been about 30 seconds or so and the war day was in knife arena vents (therefore taking time).


Regardless of who was spamming over who, you were still abusing.


The fact that you continued to play even after being muted shows that you were purposely playing it just to spite him. Obviously if you are muted it's because someone wants you to stop. You knew what you were doing. You knew that if you continued playing he would mute you again. You knew kicking another admin is against the rules too and you still did that.


You were ready to move on with it and forget it because you screwed up.

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tradami first off you have no proof to bring to the table, this abuse report doesn't concern you at all and frankly I thought me and rofl were geting close to actually resolving this. This is between me, rofl, and which ever staff/division chooses to review this. We both screwed up, I'm ready to move on because I'd rather sit back and enjoy jailbreak then start drama on the forums.

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Here's the deal... Do not mute or kick each other. End of story.


Racker, don't spam music when people ask you to stop and you certainly don't kick other admins. Roflcopta, don't mute admins. Deal with it. Is it really a surprise that he kicked you for muting him? Just use admin chat next time :)

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