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When did you start playing CS?


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I'm bored, I've always wondered this about all the HT/HG members. When did you guys start playing CS? How did you hear about CS (being that it's not as big as some other game franchises).


The first time I played CS was in 2001 at an internet cafe here in C.Springs, my Korean friend introduced me to it. Basically the only people that played at that place were Korean. I got hooked on CS pretty fast, I'm not sure which CS was out in 2001, that internet cafe closed down pretty quick because online gaming from home was becoming more popular. It was a cool place though.. they had 30 computers, 15 to a team.


ANYWAY, after they closed down I didn't play CS again until 2006 when I purchased SOURCE. :nuts:

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My stepdad bought hl1 the weekend it came out, I was 9 or 10 when i firest played it, teh headcrabs scared me so bad =o


been a good 10, 11 years


I need to find out if my stepdad migrated his accoutn to steam, we might be lookin at a 3 dig

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I played through the original HL story back when it first came out, but I didn't have internet at the time, so I just kind of let it sit around for a while. Once my family finally got one of those new 56k modems (lawl) I started playing it online all the time. The mod I played the absolute most was "The Specialists", a wicked awesome, Matrix-y like mod for the HL engine. I mourn every day that they won't ever release a Source version of the mod.

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I played through the original HL story back when it first came out, but I didn't have internet at the time, so I just kind of let it sit around for a while. Once my family finally got one of those new 56k modems (lawl) I started playing it online all the time. The mod I played the absolute most was "The Specialists", a wicked awesome, Matrix-y like mod for the HL engine. I mourn every day that they won't ever release a Source version of the mod.


That game was the SHIT lamp, i played the fuck out of that.

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I played through the original HL story back when it first came out, but I didn't have internet at the time, so I just kind of let it sit around for a while. Once my family finally got one of those new 56k modems (lawl) I started playing it online all the time. The mod I played the absolute most was "The Specialists", a wicked awesome, Matrix-y like mod for the HL engine. I mourn every day that they won't ever release a Source version of the mod.


I never really got into The Specialists. I did spend more time than I will admit to playing Firearms. Until it was hijacked by... well, you probably know that story.

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About four years ago I played Call of Duty 2 and showed it to a couple of my friends. They went out and bought that and they were way more interested in online gaming than I was so they bought CSS. I bought CSS played for awhile then quit to explore other games. I was really hooked on RPG's. Then started back up and here I am :P.

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September 2007. My roommate played it, I tried it on his account. I asked "how do I open up buy menu?"....someone said "f10". The game quit. I thought I broke it and was like wtf did I do!??!?!?!?!?! My roommate came back and loled. Then we played HG merrily merrily merrily all year. Then he got vacced (BAMF Silent Assassin or TFZ Silent Assassin). Also, Mario and his friend Mattix are my <3<3s on office. But mattix can't play anymore QQ. Before CSS I played America's Army (the free version) for about a year.

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