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United States' Debt


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The United States is in debt of over a trillion dollars. Ever since I've been alive, the US has been in debt, but it's getting worse. I have always wondered why the US doesn't just make all of the money and pay the debt. Some people say that It's unethical and stupid, and others say that it would make the value of money go to waste (like 1 dollar would be about 1,000 dollars). I don't see why Obama won't just make a crap load of money secretly. He does about 80% of his stuff silently, so why not this? Comments?

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I think this issue is not as straightforward as paying off debt.


http://blogs.reuters.com/christopher-whalen/2011/07/27/why-the-us-debt-crisis-is-a-good-thing/ - here is an interesting editorial on the debt crisis


http://moneywatch.bnet.com/retirement-planning/blog/bank-dad/proud-to-owe-why-young-people-feel-good-about-debt/1215/ <-- as well as this

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The government should add a 50% tax to imports from American companies that outsource American jobs. They should also make sure that American product quality is good and maybe more people would actually buy them. American companies also don't have products that can match products that foreign companies make. For example, lets use cars. I have a BMW 750Li. When I was shopping around, there was no American competitor in its class. I would be glad to buy an American car but there are no large American luxury sedans. The closest American car to mine is a Cadillac DTS and it can't even be compared. Maybe if people began buying American again, the taxes would cover the debt.

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Hey man, in all seriousness. When you begin to have credit cards you will realize that people need credit to make big purchases. Credit is money you promise to pay back later and our modern economy wouldn't exist without it. Our debt exists and grows due to our need to spend large amounts and borrow from foreign nations. A debt is part of any economy but it should be reduced as much as possible. Obviosuly, printing more money even secretly would not solve the problem as evidenced by the Economic Panic of 1819 and 1879 in U.S. History where presidents just printed more money. Like the others have said, if you wanna understand it, research it.

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Go to school, learn dept reason and the explanations of what and why we are in debt. Stop watching tv and dumb ass spokespersons of what YOU need to do to fix something. In the end, your a political supporter and I'm scared of what our future holds because of stupid ass shit that people believe from what they see on tv. Plus if you honestly think we are going to pay off this debt, or we need to change something to fix it? Good luck homez cause it isn't gonna happen. And if you listen to the gov and do what they tell you, then your just another one of those socialist that is CHANGING from what we really want. Freedom.


Best thing we all need to do, go out and enjoy life with friends and be happy. Stop listening to politics talk the talk and not walk the walk like regular Americans do.


I should be a hella inspirational speaker mang

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The United States is in debt of over a trillion dollars. Ever since I've been alive, the US has been in debt, but it's getting worse. I have always wondered why the US doesn't just make all of the money and pay the debt. Some people say that It's unethical and stupid, and others say that it would make the value of money go to waste (like 1 dollar would be about 1,000 dollars). I don't see why Obama won't just make a crap load of money secretly. He does about 80% of his stuff silently, so why not this? Comments?


ZOMG finally a solution! Obama pay attention!




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then your just another one of those socialist that is CHANGING from what we really want. Freedom.


Since when does socialism equate to less freedom?


Rapidly shrinking middle class. Social and economic disparity growing at an alarming rate. Extremely lopsided amounts of influence and power. Limited or limitless opportunities decided by the wealth of the family you're born into. Yeah, we're SO free in a capitalist country.


Maybe you ought to take a step back and look at what you're saying. Politicians "talk the talk" while regular Americans "walk the walk"? Most regular Americans don't even keep up with any of the current issues enough to have a conversation about them, let alone do anything to solve them. That's what the government is for: so you can live your life and strive to pursue your own interests. This country wouldn't function without it.


History has shown that Democracy fails. All of Europe was stuck somewhere between laughing at us and expecting us to fail when America was founded. Life would be a lot different if the world was filled with a bunch of naysayers and the grand experiment that is our country was never given a chance.

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you have over 12000 tonnes of gold in stockpiling. Based on todays price of gold (which is $1874.84 US per oz.) There are 423287543.4 ounces in 12000 tonnes. This means that in gold, you are stockpiling $793,596,417,868.056 US worth of gold. IF you cant see this. thats 793 billion, 596 million, 417 thousand and 868 US Dollars worth of gold. Thats 3/4 of your debt!

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