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United States' Debt


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I fucking roflstop roll around the floor giggling and convulsing.


Charlie Christ was a terrible governor. His only shining point was when he started talking shit to the republicans when his term was over.


Other than that, that motherfucker is a bureaucrat at its finest.


He was responsible for part of the biggest property value booms in Florida. Of course then the bubble burst but many of my coworkers who were here in 2007 became millionaires in a very short period of time. The kind of apartment my company develops and sells for 300k went for 1 million when he was governor.

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He was responsible for part of the biggest property value booms in Florida. Of course then the bubble burst but many of my coworkers who were here in 2007 became millionaires in a very short period of time. The kind of apartment my company develops and sells for 300k went for 1 million when he was governor.


That's pretty much what always happens during bubbles eh? The wealthy get even more wealthy and then everyone else suffers when it pops.


Sounds more like he just happened to be governor during the time than anything else.

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That's pretty much what always happens during bubbles eh? The wealthy get even more wealthy and then everyone else suffers when it pops.


Sounds more like he just happened to be governor during the time than anything else.


Actually, I think more people are going to benefit from it. Right now you can buy a oceanfront apartment in a fairly new building for 400k. Thats a lot of money but nothing compared to before. As for the people who bought apartments during the bubble, they were just stupid. My company was smart and they didn't waste the extra money they earned during the bubble so they were able to plow right through the rubble. So if someone suffered, it was their own fault. There is a perfect opportunity right now to buy apartments for cheap. My co-workers weren't wealthy when they started, they made 80k a year plus bonuses. In 2007, many of them made bonuses in excess of 1.5 million all because of that boom. All good things must come to an end and the boom came to an end.

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Guest The_Monkey

Charlie Christ cut the wrong kind of taxes and forced counties and municipalities to cut services and school budgets. All this so we could save $50 a year in property taxes.


If you want a police or fire department, you have to pay. If you want school age children to learn the best they can so that they can go on to become successful taxpayers.


No, he decided to cut taxes, and raid Citizens Insurance for more money.

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Rick Scott is a lot worse. As you probably know, hospitality and building are two of Florida's biggest industries and without them Florida is screwed, so they are important too. Without hottels and condo buildings, the whole city of Miami Beach would probably fold and so would Miami and the surrounding area.

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There were plenty of people 18-50 making a decent buck that are now on unemployement. These people won't take the jobs that are open, thinking they are above the wage. Go back to work, make some money, spend some money and keep my social security coming, Thank You!


To the person that started this thread, go get a credit card if you don't already have one and max out the credit limit in one day. Wait thirty days, get the bill in the mail and pay it in full THAT DAY. If you can't pay it in full, figure out why. If you come to the conclusion that your credit limit exceeeds your income, congratulations you've solved the problem.

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Actually, I think more people are going to benefit from it. Right now you can buy a oceanfront apartment in a fairly new building for 400k. Thats a lot of money but nothing compared to before. As for the people who bought apartments during the bubble, they were just stupid. My company was smart and they didn't waste the extra money they earned during the bubble so they were able to plow right through the rubble. So if someone suffered, it was their own fault. There is a perfect opportunity right now to buy apartments for cheap. My co-workers weren't wealthy when they started, they made 80k a year plus bonuses. In 2007, many of them made bonuses in excess of 1.5 million all because of that boom. All good things must come to an end and the boom came to an end.


Doesn't really matter how much the price of the house goes up if 95% of people's wealth is still in their house. They'd have to downgrade or move to a better city to profit from it. Or stay in it and suffer higher taxes.


Maybe 1 person making over 100k a year isn't 'wealthy' in the eyes of people who never leave their uppity communities, but that's extremely well-off compared to the overwhelming majority of Americans considering that that's the ~90th percentile for an entire household, let alone just 1 income. What wealthy is is all in the eye of the beholder.


There was nothing good about the bubble. It was underhandedly manufactured and everyone intelligent in your business knew it. So you happily profited off of it and are just as responsible as the evil banks for fucking everyone else over. Knowingly taking advantage of people and then calling them 'stupid' for letting you and then you proceed to act like you haven't done anything wrong. It put the entire country in a recession, but it was a "good" thing because you profited from it. Kinda pathetic...just saying.


So holding ground with it making the wealthy wealthier and fucking everyone else.

Edited by Chillin
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Sorry but you have to be a pretty big moron to buy a 1 bedroom condo that costs 900k. Especially since it was on the market 2 months ago for 200k. The people who foreclosed on their properties, mos tof them, it was their own fault as well, except maybe for the one who got laid off. But the ones who took out adjustable rate mortgages on houses they couldn't afford. Its pretty obvious that a person making 70k can't afford a 1.5 million dollar house, no matter what the bank tells you.

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No we wouldn't be. Mccain would be dead of a heart attack caused by the stres sof the job and we would have Palin as president.


Oh god, Sarah Palin as president?!:sick:


Seriously, one of the problem about the I see (this is my opinion mind you) is that politicians (not all of them) think tax breaks on the wealthiest Americans will allow them to create jobs. The wealthy don't create jobs, it's the middle class, the working class. If the middle class has more money, they will demand and buy more. If they demand more, then businesses will need to hire workers to make the products to sell to keep up with demand. That is what gets Market Economies like America out of recessions and into recovery and then economic stability. There are other factors that caused our bad economy which include, like Grizzly said, people borrow and spending more than they pay back.

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Guest The_Monkey




And this, my friends, is why the mother fucking American people are fucking retards. You cannot over simplify a complicated situation. I hope you choke on those pixels.

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I think palin would make a great president, have you seen the things she's done with Alaska, amazing state.


Wow, I'm sorry to call you out like this, but you think a person that couldn't name the newspapers she read would make a great president. She doesn't even know basic history. She thought Paul Revere was shooting and warning the British. My 7 year old cousin knows that. You want that person to be the president? Really? I've been to Alaska. Sure, the nature is beautiful but the people certainly aren't. Most of them are hillbillies. She is against abortions but has a kid that shouldn't be suffering what he is suffering, but due to morons like her, he has to.

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Wow, I'm sorry to call you out like this, but you think a person that couldn't name the newspapers she read would make a great president. She doesn't even know basic history. She thought Paul Revere was shooting and warning the British. My 7 year old cousin knows that. You want that person to be the president? Really? I've been to Alaska. Sure, the nature is beautiful but the people certainly aren't. Most of them are hillbillies. She is against abortions but has a kid that shouldn't be suffering what he is suffering, but due to morons like her, he has to.


You realize he was being sarcastic right? lol...

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Do I need to seriously come in and take an hour in editor typing to tell you all what is REALLY going on with our economy? Monkey is the only one who is even close, so it would mostly be just adding to and correcting what he said. But seriously, as someone that follows politics and the economy, I am seriously worried about how little most of you know about it. If you want to be schooled on it, just ask.



PS - NECROPOST! I know it is, but I saw this a few days ago when it was active and wanted to post then but did not have time. I take serious interest in economics and am serious if anyone wants my breakdown, I will spend the (seriously long) time to type it and provide references.


PSS - I only ask because I do not want to take the time to type it all out if noone cares.

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