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Trying to get better at the Demoman.


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First and foremost.


Your primary weapon is your sticky launcher, and only the default one.


Use it and detonate in mid air to act as a pipe bomb laucher, but if you miss, it doesnt roll away.



The loch and load, and all upgrades to melee are bad, keep the orginal pipe launcher and bottle(or demopan)


Lastly, the pipe launcher is a last resort only, take it out only when you need to retreat and reload. 9 times out of 10, the sticky launcher is the better choice

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If you want tips from real pros, I know a few that are very good at demo man: Dirty (the BEST), Digitalshot (very good), and Brag (equally skilled). Click on their names to see their profile so you can PM them if you have any questions!


My tips (FYI, I am not a super super skilled demoman, but I know what I'm doing): I play tons of payload so my tips will mostly be biased to payload :P. First of all, a general concept is to never stop moving. A moving target is harder for a spy to kill than a stationary one. If you see someone, you should predict where they will be in a couple of seconds. If you are long range, try to get them to run over your pipebombs; that's when I'm unnoticed. When they are trying to engage you, you should make sure you have a trap set up for them. By saying that, I mean put sticky bombs on the ground in between you and the person to prevent them from pushing you. If you don't have enough time to switch to your sticky bombs, try to hit them directly with your pipe bombs. Be careful, if you are low health and you hit them with your pipe bomb at close range, it will kill you too. You also need to know how many stickies it takes to kill different classes. Usually three to five will do it. If you have a buffed health heavy, it will take at least five. When someone is pushing the cart I will put stickies where the cart will be in a few seconds, and when they run over them, boom+dead. I can't really think of anything else. Practice makes perfect. As I said before, ask Dirty, Digitalshot, or Brag if you REALLY want to be good. :)

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1. You have to be able to judge how far your pipe/sticky bomb will travel based on the angle (if that makes any sense)

2. What I personally like to do is: Shoot some pipebombs behind the enemy (you do this because, many times, enemies will back up when confronted with heavier classes such as demo, heavy, soldiers), switch to the sticky launcher and alternate from mouse1 and mouse2 (stickyspam). You will either kill them with your pipebombs as they roll underneath your enemy or your well-aimed sticky bomb.

3. The last "tip" is that you need to get fluent with your button loadout and how the other class "feel". You need to play smart, play effectively, and have fun.


Last but not least, remember: TF2 is not just a game, its a way of life. Once you hit that 1000 hour, you can just give youself a pat on the back because you are reached enlightenment.

Happy TF2ing.

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We should start up our scrim team again for some tips and pointers with the classes.


On a related note, Demoman is support - not headfirst attacker. Contrary to what his eyelander / charge combo may appear to be for attacking - it's actually to retreat to a safer distance to attack with a sitcky / grenade launcher.


TL: DR - keep your distance from players, use your stickies and grenades in a variety of methods, practice on jump servers, etc. It's all about being at an advantage either in height or vantage point.

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My good demo skills don't come from the sticky launcher so i just use the targe only as my sheild, but i mostly use the loch -n- load and the ulapool caper, i usually just waste away opponents with the l-n-l but when things get too rough and i think i might die i, i go terrorist on my opponents and charge at them with my caper and kill myself and maybe 1 to 3 others, then i respawn and restart the cycle

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