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He had used ma_slay #all to "restart the round" most of the server agreed to it, but a few didn't. I don't think he should have his admin taken away because he enforces the motd whenever I'm in the server with him, but that's not my decision. Just explaining the story behind it, he just didn't come in and started slaying everyone.

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Yes i was using @slay #all to speed up the round


just like what HG pitbull did in



i wasn't abusing


Just like what Skyy said he was in there with me and I always enforce Motd. Unfortunately this guy didn't want the round to restart but majority did.


I mean you can see the text at the top " slay all cts and benji says yer".. so i did... just to speed up the round. Again not only Benji agreed but majority did.

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Pitbull slayed about 6 people. You slayed half the server. He was reprimanded for it. If you actually took time to read the thread that was posted, I had essentially said don't do mass slay. So don't try to use it to justify your actions. You said you were doing it, people asked you not to, and you did it anyways.

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