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Cats are incredible :D


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I have 4 cats - 2 kittens, 2 cats, and I love them very much. They catch mice, rabbits, grasshoppers, and flies. But an incredible story was on the news last night. A cat that had gone missing 5 years ago in Colorado, was found in New York yesterday. FIVE YEARS! Colorado to New York. That's insane :o. A dog wouldn't be able to travel even 1 state on its own!

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I have 4 cats - 2 kittens, 2 cats, and I love them very much. They catch mice, rabbits, grasshoppers, and flies. But an incredible story was on the news last night. A cat that had gone missing 5 years ago in Colorado, was found in New York yesterday. FIVE YEARS! Colorado to New York. That's insane :o. A dog wouldn't be able to travel even 1 state on its own!


Not tru my great grandmother had a dog they lost it.on vacation. The dog found them 1 yr later and came to there front door. The dog tracked them down over 300 miles

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