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Level Gap Difference, WE DON'T HATE YOU


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Alright guys I want to clear a few things up. League, if you haven't noticed yet, uses a leveling system similar to an MMO, with every level you unlock a mastery point and a rune block.

So please understand when a group of higher levels want to play with people of higher levels and do not want to break their party for someone 20 levels below them. You wouldn't raid the Lich King with a level 20 warrior tanking it would you?


Which brings us to our second issue, when matches are played with mixed levels, please AVOID picking very important roles before you reach level 15. The reason I say this is because you will most likely be brought into a tier where most people are somewhat experienced with their characters and have all of the summoner spells. So if you pick a carry without ghost or flash, you're instantly making yourself a target to feed the other team, people look for this.


Also you can't really learn a champion properly if you aren't with players learning their champion as well.


For Example:

"Oh man this Urgot fella looks cool I'll play him" "Whos this teemo fuck and why does he keep running away from me" "why am I dead and why is Teemo dancing on my body" will usually occur if you are level 5 in a level 30 que. You don't really learn as much or as fast as you can if you aren't with people on the same level with you.


But to anyone who does play a match with other members of lower level, If I catch you calling someone retarded or anything along those lines in rage you will be banned from the strategy channels. YOU made the decision to play with people who do not have a full understanding of the champions and gameplay.


But this can also go the other way, A major part of this game is teamwork and COMMUNICATION. So if you refuse to communicate with your team, or go jungle when a teamfight is about to happen, its fair game on the name calling, and don't be surprised if you dont get invited back to the party.


Also the biggest issue I've noticed with people new to this game is their level of map awareness, Just try to take a peak at your minimap every few seconds for a second to see positioning of enemy champions and where they are located. Because if you're smiting a wolf while everyone is fighting the enemy team for dragon, your team is probably going to lose the fight and its your fault.




So I guess that thread is just a few things that need to be said and explained.

so to sum it up:

1. Dont trash talk newer people if you play with them, if you don't want to play with inexperienced people simply tell them "sorry I want to play in my que." or go make a new account.

2. Don't get upset when higher levels do not want to play anything other then a custom match with you, whether you realize it or not you are a very big target for the enemy team.

3. If you do play a mixed level match, and you are below level 15, try to stay away from extremely vital roles such as carries, those types of roles require you to have an excellent escape method and understanding on most champions so you don't wind up dead when facing them.



Thats all for now and this may be modified in the future.




Edited by Weeman
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Starcall does a bit more damage than that.


Another important point: If you're new, ASK FOR POINTERS! Don't go in there with some new champ and take Riot's suggested item build and not ask for any help. If you want to learn how to chain your abilities or what item to buy next, ASK SOMEONE!


And don't even think of buying Meijai's Soulstealer, Sword of the Occult, or Leviathan until you hit level 30.

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But what happens when the other guy is not playing on the US servers but the other ones such as the EU ones?Or maybe he made a new account? From what i can see people tend to say "Oh he is level 5,he is just a newb and he is playing a carry we lost" What if that "guy" doesn't need runes and masteries and he is good enough to even carry without these.Just play a match with him and if you see that he is bad just tell him that higher level games are not for him yet.IMO judging someone from the their level is bad thing to do.

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But what happens when the other guy is not playing on the US servers but the other ones such as the EU ones?Or maybe he made a new account? From what i can see people tend to say "Oh he is level 5,he is just a newb and he is playing a carry we lost" What if that "guy" doesn't need runes and masteries and he is good enough to even carry without these.Just play a match with him and if you see that he is bad just tell him that higher level games are not for him yet.IMO judging someone from the their level is bad thing to do.


This thread is for actual NEW players and people's treatment of them... clearly smurf accounts are not what we're talking about here -_-

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Starcall does a bit more damage than that.


Another important point: If you're new, ASK FOR POINTERS! Don't go in there with some new champ and take Riot's suggested item build and not ask for any help. If you want to learn how to chain your abilities or what item to buy next, ASK SOMEONE!


And don't even think of buying Meijai's Soulstealer, Sword of the Occult, or Leviathan until you hit level 30.


I was buying Meijai's Soulstealers at level 10.

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