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Internet Problems.


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Now I am having problems with my internet after I have finally figured out all I needed to figure out with the Video Card and the Power Supply.

Before I had done anything with the new Power Supply and Video Card, I ran a 18mbps speed. Now I am running a 1mbps speed and it's killing me here. I can barely connect to anything.


I have no idea where this issue may have risen from, but it's a killer one.

I already tried scanning my computer for viruses and other bad things like that and have found nothing yet.


It took me quite a few reconnections just to post this thread.


So the main issue here is that I cannot seem to get a great connection like I used to have. I keep getting 1bar instead of all of them. :\

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contact your provider and see if its something on there end


I highly doubt that because the computer downstairs is running fine and the internet is running fine. I will post a speedtest from both computers, gimme a sec.


Computer 1(My Room): 1518987884.png


Computer 2(Wired to Router, Downstairs computer): 1518989609.png


Computer 2 is not running at it's usual speed of 20-23 mbps. Computer 1 usually runs at 18-20mbps.


Could it be an internet provider problem?

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No, Computer 1 is connected through Wireless. It always has been and my speeds used to be great until now.


okay, i assume you have a wireless router then. In which case, make sure there is nothing reflective as such blocking where the signal is sent and recieved from. that will affect the connection a bit, id be surprised by that much but its possible. Also make sure that you have your computer in a reasonable position in reference to the router. Make sure its not as far as it possibly can be.

Check all the connections going into the router as well.


other than this, i dont know, i tried doing a google but im being distracted by kimzy on fb :P nothing from the top bunch of searches came up as obvious answers to the problem so. and i should also point out, im not a techy person:P it was just a general thought :)

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Right now I am getting 2 out of 5 bars of connectivity. And 2 bars = about 6-8mbps speed.

Is it possible that I could have damaged the Wireless Card that I have on my motherboard?


And I have tried restarting the Modem many times, still no luck.

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If this issue hasn't started till putting in your new video card and power supply (It's definitely not the power supply) there are a few things that might be happening.


1. Your video card is TOO CLOSE to the network card, this is a known issue with video cards, especially big ones. It can be blocking the signal from running at peak

2. The video card is blowing so much heat onto your network card that it has damaged it and you need a new one, put it farther away from your video card.

3. You damaged the network card (static zapped it I dunno lol) when you put the card/power supply in

4. Your Wireless feature for your router is dieing and this is all just a coincidence

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You can mark this bad boy resolved. I figure out what was wrong.

When I was initially putting in the video card, there was a black wire that came loose and I didn't pay much attention to it. Once I figured it was important I stuck it where I thought it belonged, which ended up only being a spot for a screw. I researched the make of my computer and luckily it had a diagram of what the card should look like, and I noticed that the wire was plugged into the wrong spot. Computer is back to 100%. :)


Thank you all very much for helping out!

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