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JB Admin Commands


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There has been arguing among the admin around some of the rules of what commands we use in certain citations.

When a there is a derp CT, like there always is, what should we do? Obviously a slay, and then if they were super derping, or doing things on purpose like gun planting we do !teamswitch. Then the derp player goes back to CT after being switched. Then we are supposed to do a kick, and then a ban if he/she does it again. Can we not just use !tlist? It is convenient and doesn't have use require to think things like, "oh hey, wasn't that guy just switched? Oh ya i think he was *Switches wrong player*" Also the !tlist LETS THEM STILL PLAY. I think it would be MUCH better for players to get a 2 hour Tlist rather than a kick, then a 1 or 2 hour ban. I mean, even if we do use !tlist, the tlist is ONLY 2 hours, so are we allowed to use this command freely? Or are we only supposed to use it for like a mass FK, and then post a report?

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How I've always dealt with a CT breaking CT rules is:


1. Warn

2. Slay (with another warning)

3. Slay and teamswitch (warn to stay on T)

4. T-List (if they move back to CT after they have been teamswitched and warned to stay on T)

5. Only made T-List report if it was something like mass fk's.


And for mass fk'ers just skip to T-List and report.


Now to clarify something, say I T-List a CT for something like infrequent/blatant fk's or camping before last multiple times or something along those lines, we have to make a T-List report for that? And if we do, do we need to provide proof of the actual rule-breaking like a demo of the multiple campings including all the warnings and teamswitch, or just proof that we teamswitched them and warned them to stay on T and then they switched back to CT after the warning?


Cos I was told by a DA that I didn't have to make a T-List report for people who avoided their teamswitch, so after seeing this thread I want to make sure about what I've asked above, and atm I haven't been making T-List reports for players avoiding their teamswitches that I've given them.

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Yeah if they fk or bait you warn them, then next round you get to slay them because they probably will make the same mistake, then the third round you can teamswitch them. but if they rejoin with a different name or you aren't looking they seem to sneak back on to ct and make the same mistake. Then you can finally stop the problem and tlist them.

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