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Doing a deed - Afterfall: Insanity.


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Afterfall: Insanity, doing a deed to chartiy. This full length PC video game is up for pre-order for ony $1. "What's the catch?" I hear you say. Well, there is only one. The money goes to charity. If the game sells 10million copies, 90% of the money made goes straight to charity, and if under 10million copies are sold, all of the proceedings go to charity! It's a win-win situation for charity and yourselves. You gain a video game, you donate to charity and it's all for one measley dollar.


Check out a trailer:



And Insanity is the first installment of the Afterfall series, who knows, it may just become a great series for $1 a piece!


Visit the website at:



Do something good, for $1.

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Wow, this game looks completely cool. The graphics, animations, guns, enemies, story look better then some of the games being released today, however...The voice acting and how they are wording things is just complete poo. This quote "It's all over because everyone's dead" is just funny because its a "No-shit Sherlock" kind of thing. This game is only $1 though, so I should STFU.

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