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I have the swine flu :(

Lt. Awesome

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You're fucking stupid.


Did you figure that out from just THIS encounter? lol


Also, the flu is the flu is the flu. Some hurt more than others. Every time I hear propaganda about how the CDC wasn't quite sure what it was, I throw up a little bit in my mouth. It's the flu. It presents like the flu, it looks like the flu on a stain. It's viral like the flu. Because it's the flu. The only reason why people are dying from it is because nobody has an immunity built up for something that just recently crossed the species barrier.

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The reason a fuss is made is because we did not know if immunity could be made against it, or how effective it would be. And an extremely small change in the virus's structure could make a huge difference to us. What if it had been immune to normal anti-biotics, much like many cases of TB are now a days? or MRSA?


Im not saying that its nowhere near as big as advertised, simply that it isn't "Oh, its just the flu. Fuck it" either.

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You're fucking stupid.


why? It's true how else would it have got here. + where i am in new york in started in queens i belive. Which is a really crappy area. And Queens is like 99.9 percent hispanic. but ya the h1ni is too highly publisized. it is less harmful than regualr flu

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I hate to beat a dead horse, but if mono became extremely contagious, it'd do alot more than H1N1. Large groups of people unable to function for an extended period = our economy is f'ed. The media would probably just jizz themselves with excitement.


Of course there's alot worse than mono. It's just a disease I can relate too. :(

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The reason a fuss is made is because we did not know if immunity could be made against it, or how effective it would be. And an extremely small change in the virus's structure could make a huge difference to us. What if it had been immune to normal anti-biotics, much like many cases of TB are now a days? or MRSA?


Im not saying that its nowhere near as big as advertised, simply that it isn't "Oh, its just the flu. Fuck it" either.


Antibiotics have no effect on the flu, it's a virus. All foreign pathogens that enter the body (that don't kill you, and can actually killed by the body) will trigger a white blood cell hike when they are detected, and the body will be on heightened alert for anything that matches the disease you just recovered from so you can get over it quicker, should you end up with it again. This is why flu shots are given. It contains a mix of what you're most likely to run into based upon region.


I understand paranoia over not knowing the particulars, but the first thing that should have been noticed was that a) it's the flu, B) it's not likely to kill you or cause lasting harm, and c) it doesn't mutate in the body. It was irresponsible for the government to cause a panic with the way they presented the information they had. The media is also largely responsible, but it's pretty much their job to fuck with people. And since most people seemed to have completely slept through biochem, the public was ignorant enough to take what they were told as hard fact, and went back to wearing their disposable medical masks.

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You think thats the worst thing thats ever happened to you?


Try passing a few kidney stones


or having a car run into you


or having you heart just stop


Your young yet, you have a whole life full of pain ahead of you to look forward too :P


well, i have been hit by 3 cars, in 30 seconds

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