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Sorry Bout me being inactive


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I would like to apologize for me inactive with the forum and Steam. Since everything started with school and me getting a girlfriend I have been over my head in stuff and not able to play a whole lot of games and not post often. The only reason I post this is because I was worried if people have been getting mad at me being inactive. If you see me on Steam and send me a message and I don't respond I would like to apologize for that as well because I need the computer more for school then gaming recently. Thank you for being there for me HG and staying with me until the end. Also I hope I am able to make my epic return to CSS in less then two weeks.

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Life happens, no worries. As someone that has repeatedly stepped away from the online community for real life I can tell you this: Don't leave on bad terms and you are pretty much always welcome back. Pop in when you can to say hi, but seriously...life should always take priority over leisure. What good is leisure if it ruins your real life relationships and such?


/my two cents

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