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B.O.E. Failed


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Taken from http://www.builtonenergy.com





Originally, BOE had no financial sponsors or advertising outlets to promote the league. MaxFrag was approached by John Tamburino for a sponsorship. Since CAL was down, MaxFrag was ready to jump on board thinking it would be an instant hit with the community. John Tamburino was only 16 years old, so he could not sign any legal documents we usually hand out to partners. MaxFrag was then transferred the domain as insurance in exchange for the support we promised and delivered.



Recently, MaxFrag found out BOE did not own the Anti-Cheat Software they hand linked on the web page. MaxFrag was deeply disturbed by this news and decided it was time to slowly pull the BOE sponsorship. We did not want to leave BOE high and dry. We were waiting for the right time so they could run without MaxFrag being a partner or associated with them in any way. MaxFrag had already scoped out new partners.



Once the co-founder, Daniel, found out about MaxFrag supporting other leagues and slowly pulling out, he asked us for the domain back. We had already spent a lot of money on BOE so we couldn't just return the domain. I explained to him that we were leaving because of the Anti-Cheat client, and if he could provide us with proof of ownership we would gladly stick around. After this conversation, he banned MaxFrag and declared MaxFrag had been dropped as a partner. He proceeded to tell users that we "hijacked" the domain, which was completely false. Once we tried to clarify what happened, we were banned.



We then decided to completely pull every sponsored service we provided, which included the hosting and domain. This lead to the website going offline and we apologize to the community for that. We realize the community needed a free league, but we don’t feel playing in BOE is in your best interest. After this, they went on with the trash talk and spreading lies about MaxFrag. Luckily, we had strong support from the community and we were able to post up information on what happened on this website.



Recently, we found out they were not backing up the website database. We do not know if they have a copy or not, but MaxFrag has always made backups of every database, and that included the BOE database. They are now asking for the database back, and we feel it is not our responsibility to decide whether or not they should be trusted with personal information of 15,000 registered users. You should know your information is completely secured and will never be sold to any 3rd party. That is MaxFrag’s promise to the community and the registered clients on that database.



I do believe we made the right decision by dropping them. The Anti-Cheat client was never owned by a BOE executive. It was developed and owned by a coder found on a public forum. They still do not know his real name. All they have is a email address and am AIM username. I woudn't trust a coder I don't know with my personal information, and that is why I will not support a league that will put everyone in jeopardy to make a few dollars.



In the end, MaxFrag had to make a decision that would benefit the 15,000 people registered. After talking to hundreds of users, we believe they do not feel safe with their personal information in the hands of the irresponsible BOE staff.



I would like to thank all those who wrote thank you letters to MaxFrag. We would also like to thank those fighting BOE’s false claims against MaxFrag and our staff. Your support is overwhelming and has re-assured us that we have made the right decision.



If you have any questions, you can email contact [at] maxfrag.net. We will try out best to answer any questions.




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