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I'm sure if you wanted to move server hosting to Quantum Servers and have JJK set it up and only give you in game admin and full rcon and not ftp to it (so you can't look at the configs), he'd do that. That probably everything you have now minus FTP to add maps, which can easily be added as needed. Just a thought.

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i added it to my server now and i have these settings


// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.0.0.1946)

// ConVars for plugin "hiddensm.smx"



// Disable/Enable HiddenSourceMod

// -

// Default: "1"

hiddensm_enabled "1"



// 0 = change CT-player to Spectator if cl_radaralpha > 0

// -

// Default: "0"

sm_allowradar "0"



// Enable/Disable AntiCheat for sv_cheats 1

// -

// Default: "1"

sm_anticheat "1"



// Seekers Freeze Time in Seconds

// -

// Default: "25"

sm_freezetime "25"



// Change speed for Hiders

// -

// Default: "1.2"

sm_hidespeed "1.2"



// Swap the Team after X Rounds. 0=Disabled

// -

// Default: "4"

sm_swapround "10"





BUT when i have sv_cheats 1 which allows me to use thirdperson everybody can use noclip and stuff like that :S when i try using noclip on your server i get the messege "blocked" how can i make so its like that?


AND ALSO people dont get the messege to put cl_radaralpha 0 in console and they can join WITH the minimap :S can you please help me here m8?

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junkyardjoey, JJK put a LOT of time and hard research, and "trial and error", and custom tweaks and changes, and huge effort into getting HnS to work properly. there are no stock configs or mods that will install a problem-free HnS server for you.


Why would we give you all the configs so that you can create a COMPETING server and take away our playerbase? JJK has already pointed you in the right direction. please stop asking to for your hand to be held the whole way. i hate to be so blunt, but it needs to be said. it seems like the only reason you signed up on our website was to get our HnS configs

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