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I was pissed off b/c I was late and road work caused traffic congestion. Ppl going 65 in both lanes after the road work. SLOWWW. I was between exit 106 and 105. Just pissy and floored it around a car when I finally found an opening...got off on exit 105. Cop watched the whole thing on the other side of the interstate...radioed his buddy who was actually sitting on the exit I got off on. I knew I should have gotten off on 106 :)

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I was pissed off b/c I was late and road work caused traffic congestion. Ppl going 65 in both lanes after the road work. SLOWWW. I was between exit 106 and 105. Just pissy and floored it around a car when I finally found an opening...got off on exit 105. Cop watched the whole thing on the other side of the interstate...radioed his buddy who was actually sitting on the exit I got off on. I knew I should have gotten off on 106 :)


What bort said. Also, if you weren't clocked (you did ask about calibration, right?) It's a throwout. But you have to be in court to get a ticket thrown out.

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You don't have to have a trial.

I would do take defensive driving or do the deferred adjudication.


Both will keep the tickets off your record. You can only do them once a year.


The defensive driving sucks, so do the deferred first. You just pay the ticket and walk away.

You can't get any moving violations during the year though.


Of course this all depends on your state laws.

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Heck if I know. Yes its mandatory. I'll call the lawlyer I did my senior project with tomorrow. Anyone know what an "L" stands for under the speed category? It says L 86 S. S=sitting (for electronic detection device). Not sure about L. I can remember if the cop said his buddy was on the opposite side or on my side van. Either way I didn't see him b/c I was too busy nagging at the ppl in front of me. Meh my fault. And I've done defensive driving before. 3 hours of wootdom. Last time it was for a failure to yield. If I took that course, got the pts dropped, will that still be on my driving record? I assume the accident will? What about a second accident with no damage but some black lady with a baby telling me I hurt her baby 4 weeks later though both her tailights were out etc etc

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Depending on the violation, you can get a lawyer to do a trial-by-mail. I got a ticket for "Imprudent speed" (which is bullshit cop language for "you weren't actually speeding, but I'm a fat dick who feels the need to give you a ticket after you total your car going down a curve known for its deadliness, let me just tuck it in your pocket as you're being loaded into the ambulance"), and I paid a traffic lawyer 200 bucks to do the entire trial without me, via mail.

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Defensive driving will prevent the ticket from going against your record, and insurance. I have had 2 tickets per year for the last 3 years, and you don't see anything on my record.

My insurance has no clue of any of those tickets.


Accidents are only recorded if you or another party file a claim.


I found a website that you can do your defensive driving on. They put a page timer on each page so you have to wait, even if you read fast.

But I found that you can adjust your Windows clock forward, and it tricks the website.


When I take defensive driving, instead of the standard 6 hours, it takes me 3.

Plus you can take breaks and do it over a period of days/weeks, instead of all at once.

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I have to get it dropped from 20+ to less than 15 mph over for it to not go to insurance right?


I think any moving violation can effect your insurance. (depends on violation frequency and company)

Defensive driving and deferred adjudication keep the violations from going on your record.

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I'd say if you think there is a chance that the cop didn't actually clock you, have a trial and try to get the ticket thrown out. Also remember that if the cop doesn't show, you win. Court costs are nominal compared to a ticket.


For the read to be valid (at least in KS), a) you have to actually be clocked, B) the gun has to be calibrated within department specs and c) the squad car can't be moving when the reading is taken.


If the cop got a good read, maybe best to just take the class or deferral.

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I'd say if you think there is a chance that the cop didn't actually clock you, have a trial and try to get the ticket thrown out. Also remember that if the cop doesn't show, you win. Court costs are nominal compared to a ticket.


For the read to be valid (at least in KS), a) you have to actually be clocked, B) the gun has to be calibrated within department specs and c) the squad car can't be moving when the reading is taken.


If the cop got a good read, maybe best to just take the class or deferral.


Yeah, it will also depend on your guilt level when you got pulled over. If you admitted anything, you're best bet is one of the two options we are talking about.


Deferred is the easiest, because there is nothing but money involved, and 1 yr probation.

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Deferred is the easiest, because there is nothing but money involved, and 1 yr probation.


The only problem is that in some counties/states, probation can get you blacklisted, especially in smaller towns and suburbs. My girlfriends sister got pinched for going 55ish in a 40, took a deferral and then got pinched a week later supposedly going 40 in a 35.


Classes are no mess, and your insurance company will love you for it.

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I'd say if you think there is a chance that the cop didn't actually clock you, have a trial and try to get the ticket thrown out. Also remember that if the cop doesn't show, you win. Court costs are nominal compared to a ticket.


For the read to be valid (at least in KS), a) you have to actually be clocked, B) the gun has to be calibrated within department specs and c) the squad car can't be moving when the reading is taken.


If the cop got a good read, maybe best to just take the class or deferral.


It was w/ a lidar, he was stationary, clear skies, medium traffic. Perfect conditions for a catch.




Gonna go suck DA **** tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!

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Update: Went to the DA today and was told to take def. driving class. He wasn't there but his secretary gave me the forms. She said I should bring them to court and they’ll lower my charges. I said I will be in Europe on the day of my trial and asked if I should have a lawlyer file for a continuance. She told me to come talk to the DA after I take the course rather than waiting for the court date. So maybe that’s good news? Maybe I can settle in his office after I get my def. driving done. Oh the suspense is killing me!

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