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There's any admin on the EU server deathmatch : map - crackhouse????


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I would like to say that I'm really disappointed with the server because since I started playing on the server, I never saw any admin. People using cheats ALL the time so voteban is not enough when there's no enough people to vote. And also when you got more than 1 cheating.. is even more difficult. Usually, there's AT LEAST, 1 member of the server always around but over there, I couldn't see ANY at all.


I'm not waiting for you guy's to do something about, but at least I could say what I really think is wrong. Great server, but unfortunately not enough people to look after.


Francesco Ferrari


PS: maybe I could be wrong. Maybe you guy's are waiting for someone to pay for the admin perhaps????

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even though I play there every now and then, it's true that the crackhouse server doesnt have too many admins playing there.

If you want to you can always add me on steam, and when I can I will hop in to record a demo and kick/ban if needed, or as pedalbin said before, ts3 is effective as well.

If no one is available, record a demo

(type record xxx in console, xxx being the name of the player)

and make a ban request, like tommo said:)


easiest way to success is buying admin yourself though :)

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