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Thoughts about MW3 (Modern Warfare 3)


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It's pretty bad when the reviews on a game are so pathetically bad, that it makes a person who's owned every call of duty released on computer since day one, not want to play it anymore. Why would I waste my time and give activision my money.

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Incorrigible as in uncorrectable. If you were expecting incredible graphics with unreal shots from MW3 OR MW2, you're setting yourself up to be disappointed. When has Call of Duty EVER been about that? MW3 continues the same style of gameplay that made its previous games great.


As far as the "facts" in that post, there are none. It's almost ALL opinion minus saying they built upon the graphics, storyline, and weaponset of MW2, ALL of which is true.


You're judging a game you don't even own? k...


except for the part where I told you I was playing it right?

and you claim its opinion but then state that everyone else is wrong and can't be corrected.

I dont think that's how it works

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except for the part where I told you I was playing it right?

and you claim its opinion but then state that everyone else is wrong and can't be corrected.

I dont think that's how it works


It's called Lazogic. :P (Laz's Logic)


Honestly Laz, Call of Duty has been one of the biggest gaming scams since WaW. Once they started with those map packs, it began to leech money from "diehard" Call of Duty fans such as yourself. You can go ahead and enjoy spending another $60 on Mw2 along with the $60 map pack known as Mw3 and the other few $15 map packs that have come out for Mw2.

Sure, if BF3 comes up with map packs, I would gladly get it because it's a decent game and they aren't going to have stupid zombie maps where the mission of survival is nearly impossible. If I want an enjoyable zombie mode, I will go back to playing Left For Dead or even CS:S's Zombie Mod. Both are better and more enjoyable.


Regardless, Call of Duty has become overrated. They should have stopped at CoD4. Also, I did not know that bullet drop was unreal.

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Guest The_Monkey

This game is a lot of fun. Multiplayer is where it is at. John can come over and see what I'm talking about.


Just look who was playing it last night, and everyone had fun.


I'll be on again tonight to play, and the next night.


Shit on the game all you want, but it is a game I can pickup and put down in 5 minutes if I need to do something.


I loved MW2 btw. I hated all the hackers. Now we have a fresh start without all the hacking.

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This game is a lot of fun. Multiplayer is where it is at. John can come over and see what I'm talking about.


Just look who was playing it last night, and everyone had fun.


I'll be on again tonight to play, and the next night.


Shit on the game all you want, but it is a game I can pickup and put down in 5 minutes if I need to do something.


I loved MW2 btw. I hated all the hackers. Now we have a fresh start without all the hacking.


Say what you will about Lazogic. Case and point is Monkey agrees with me... and without yellow bold text. Victorious.


Incorrigible doesn't mean wrong. Means your mind can't be changed. If you didn't like MW2, I'm saying that you WILL NEVER like MW3 since it's a very close sequel. I'm not saying you're wrong to dislike MW2. The argument here isn't that MW3 is some legendary game of the decade... it's not... How long ago has a Call of Duty release BEEN that game. Anyone who got MW3 knew what they were paying for. If you can get 60 bucks of fun from it, then why is there even an argument? Hell I got 60 dollars of fun from it last night. Best hooker I've ever had.

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Say what you will about Lazogic. Case and point is Monkey agrees with me... and without yellow bold text. Victorious.


Incorrigible doesn't mean wrong. Means your mind can't be changed. If you didn't like MW2, I'm saying that you WILL NEVER like MW3 since it's a very close sequel. I'm not saying you're wrong to dislike MW2. The argument here isn't that MW3 is some legendary game of the decade... it's not... How long ago has a Call of Duty release BEEN that game. Anyone who got MW3 knew what they were paying for. If you can get 60 bucks of fun from it, then why is there even an argument? Hell I got 60 dollars of fun from it last night. Best hooker I've ever had.


Monkey agreeing with you doesn't mean you're victorious, especially in an opinionated thread such as this, thats just him having a similar opinion. People may be shitting on this game for reasons other then mine, my only complaint is that this was another $60.00

That I didn't spend, thank you bitgamer. And no I don't pirate everything, I try before I buy when i've been unsatisfied with a previous purchase from a company
which I feel does not justify what I've played so far. And Incorrigible isn't the nicest way of saying someones mind can't be changed, which was my issue in the first place. It's similar to calling someone thick headed or stubborn, it means the person can't be persuaded, but they're also a douche to begin with.


here's a quick summary of my thoughs since they're spread a bit through this thread


1) This game is INDEED FUN


2) The graphics are blehhhhh due to an outdated engine (With the money Activision has MADE off the COD series they should have easily made a new engine for this)


3) I have no opinion on the multiplayer since I have not played it, but from what I've heard its better tweaked then its predicesor


4) The story is short and could have been finished up in MW2


5) Battlefield 3 feels like COD just with more stuff and more effort from their developers for a reasonable price, and I'm saying this with UTTER FUCKING HATRED FOR ORIGIN AND THE BROWSER BASED SERVER SELECTION


4) Due to points 2,3,4,5 I feel this game is not even close to being justifed for the cost of $60.00 especially when they have made such a large profit off previous titles, I feel like the effort put into this game does not match the price they ask for and should have been a $30.00 to $40.00 expansion.

Edited by Weeman
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$60 for recreation that could last for 6+ months is worth it.

For you maybe, for most others no. I don't recall MW2 being popular amongst our community 6 months after release either. and like I said my whole point is that this isn't justifyed when not much has changed especially with such a large profit off the series. Games like the counter-strike series, team fortress series, and left for dead series, have maintained an INCREDIBLE presence in the gaming world despite their age, and did those cost $60.00 with recycling?

Ok maybe L4D2 is guilty of recycling but it was still not $60.00


Then you even have non shoot em' up series such as the witcher which have a large fanbase with reasonable pricing for their games, and the developers release HUGE FREE updates and DLC packs.

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Guest The_Monkey

Then you don't recall Fracture, Clark, Richie, Lt. Awesome, Chris, myself, a few of my IRL friends, and a few others from HG playing every night for a solid 6 months. We'd still be playing now except for all the hackers that entered the real.


You yourself were vac banned from MW2 early on. You missed the comradery the game brings among a group of people.


Hell, I only started playing because Dirty and Homer were playing. Also, if you don't recall, Homer themed forum badges on MW2 prestige levels for a while.


Also, the biggest change so far is NO MOTHERFUCKING HACKERS. That is what ruined the last game. It will ruin this game too if they don't clamp that shit down real quick and in a hurry.

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Then you don't recall Fracture, Clark, Richie, Lt. Awesome, Chris, myself, a few of my IRL friends, and a few others from HG playing every night for a solid 6 months. We'd still be playing now except for all the hackers that entered the real.


You yourself were vac banned from MW2 early on. You missed the comradery the game brings among a group of people.


Hell, I only started playing because Dirty and Homer were playing. Also, if you don't recall, Homer themed forum badges on MW2 prestige levels for a while.


Also, the biggest change so far is NO MOTHERFUCKING HACKERS. That is what ruined the last game. It will ruin this game too if they don't clamp that shit down real quick and in a hurry.


Thats still not a majority of people, and that wasn't the point of my post since I agreed with you, that there were members playing up until 6 months after release and that it was fun playing with those members until the next flavor of the year came out. In regards to the hackers, do you think they would do anything if they plan on releasing another one at the end of 2012 again as well? Of course this is unconfirmed but why would Activision stop now with the rediculous sums of money that the series is making? I plan on finishing the campaign tonight to see if they close the story or leave another cliffhanger, but I still stick to my one and true opinion of this game, which the title of this thread indicates it is only an "opinion" is that this game should not cost $60.00 or has everyone forgotten that Bobby Kotick was the one who stated that "They feel like they deserve more money for the work put into their games" when there is evidence counter to any more effort being put in then other competitors?

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IMHO, the only reason I would get and will get MW3 is to play with my friends, because that is all they really play. I don't hate the game, it isn't as bad as a lot of people say, though I would never trade CS/CSS for it. Lets be honest, it's a fun game, but all in all it is incredibly easy and really takes no effort at all, that's kinda what bores me in the long run, that and the fact that it is full of little kids. I'm talking about CoD on console, never played any other CoD other than 4 on PC.

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In regards to the hackers, do you think they would do anything if they plan on releasing another one at the end of 2012 again as well? Of course this is unconfirmed but why would Activision stop now with the rediculous sums of money that the series is making?


lol well I spoke too soon.


This news should not surprise you if you have even a passing interest in video games, but Activision confirmed yesterday that the next Call of Duty game is planned for release in 2012.


"As we focus on 2012, we have a strong product pipeline which features a minimum of two highly-anticipated new titles from Blizzard Entertainment, including Diablo III, and a new Call of Duty game from Activision Publishing," Activision CEO Bobby Kotick said in a statement that went along with the company's quarterly financial statement.


There is no word yet on what the game will be sub-titled or any other details, but if I were you, I'd expect a first-person military shooter that focuses on dialed in multiplayer. Based on previous release schedule, it probably won't be called "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4." Instead, it will be more like "Call of Duty: INSERT NAME," but these details are just speculation, of course.

In further quarterly financial statement news, Activision reported quarterly revenues of $754 million, up 16 percent from $650 million for the same period the year before. The publisher also posted a net profit of $148 million for the quarter, up year-over-year from $51 million.




Read more: http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/718206/next-call-of-duty-planned-for-2012-modern-warfare-4/#ixzz1dFUNJZOQ

 Source: http://www.warpzoned.com/?p=15517 

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I'm already 10th prestige guis.


Ok, that was a little of topic.

But the game doesnt seem all that different to me,

few new things here in there, still same old raging 12 year olds,

i'd like to buy bf3, but i need a new gfx card, and since i sold my xbox...yeah.

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MW3. Love it.


Fuck all the haters.


If you liked MW2 you will like this. If you hated it, you will hate it.


I love it and will not change my mind. I played the open beta of BF3, and hated it. Hated BC2. Loved BF1942 and the several after it. Until BF2142. BC2 really turned me off the series.


Theres my opinion. Do with it what you will.

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MW3. Love it.


Fuck all the haters.


If you liked MW2 you will like this. If you hated it, you will hate it.


I love it and will not change my mind. I played the open beta of BF3, and hated it. Hated BC2. Loved BF1942 and the several after it. Until BF2142. BC2 really turned me off the series.


Theres my opinion. Do with it what you will.


I have never agreed to anything on the forums more than that. Truth be Told!

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The rule of thumb is supposed to be that if you can beat the campaign in one "normal person" evening, AND the game is part of a series, AND you're using the same engine as the previous title, you're publishing an EXPANSION (or as you young kids like to call it, "DLC"), not a sequel.


Patch the multi-player, add the new single player maps. Put a 15-ish dollar price tag on it. Don't piss everyone off like L4D2 did. Look at how MW2 and GOW2 multi-player were for a long time. Some jackass was always ruining your day because they were hacking or exploiting the engine. You're not done un-fucking THIS game yet, why are you releasing another?

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