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Steam ID Issues


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When i was inserting my Steam ID to buy admin i left out a 0 at the end of it, is it possible to change it at all?


Its for the Dust2 Dm server

ID: STEAM_0:0:16010130


Any help would be appreciated :)


Registration Date: 06/08/2009

Product/Service: HG Server Donation - HG Server Admin

Choose Server: HG Dust2 DeathMatch Server

Your STEAM_ID: STEAM_0:0:1601013 <---------- This is what i entered and i need the 0 after it

Payment Method: PayPal

First Payment Amount: $15.00 USD

Recurring Amount: $15.00 USD

Next Due Date: 07/08/2009

Billing Cycle: Monthly

Status: Active



If you need more info let me know, i can get it for you

Edited by Replon
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