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GFX Card ~~ Not downclocking


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Hey guys. A couple of days after BF3 launched and me playing like a fanatic, my graphics card (EVGA GTX 460 SE EE Superclocked 1GB) breathed it's last breath. I sent it in to EVGA, and it came back in less than a week (arrived 10/31/2011). That's just explaining why I've been a little... quiet.


So, I played more when it came back on my Dell 21" montior @ 1680x1050 connected via DVI. For my birthday, I got a LG 42" LED-LCD 1080p 120Hz TV and connected it to my PC via HDMI, @ 1920x1080 at 60Hz, which was set using the "Advanced" tab in the resolution menu on Vista. (The 120Hz one is ~300 dollars CHEAPER than the 60Hz on Newegg, who woulda' thunk?)


Ever since then, my graphics card has been running at full clock speeds and not downclocking, even when idle and just staring at my desktop which leads to my graphics card being a mini heater for me (idle 55-60C). Is it that I'm connected to my TV via HDMI, or the minor increase in resolution?


tl;dr - I'm connected via HDMI @ 1920x1080 at 60Hz, and my graphics card isn't downclocking. Is the problem HDMI, or resolution?


EDIT: I unplugged the HDMI plug, plugged the DVI cord back in, and after a reboot, the card downclocked succesfully at my old setup. Is it HDMI that's causing problems?


Much love,

- TehPlaayer. <3

Edited by Plaayer
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