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Preemptive Build


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So some of you know I'm currently enrolling in an operator course and when I'm done going to work up north. One of the things I'm going to be doing as soon as i get working is building a brand new rig as where I'm going to be working is very isolated and when i have time off i'll be on the computer(wont be much at first, but i'm almost sure ill be doing 20 days in 10 days out) anyways heres an idea of the build i'll be doing. by the time i have the money i may change my mind on some of the smaller things like case, cooler, maybe even gpus. Any input is appreciated. Its an SLI 560ti build with a 1100t 6core


Edited by AnonyHorse
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Yeah but I want something a bit more powerful than the stock fans. Already did a few changes to the build. Decided to go the extra mile after i noticed i had an extra HDD in the build. After i took that out i had a bit more room so i went ahead and changed the 560s to 570s, and got a different case. Looking forward to it now. Total $2150

Edited by AnonyHorse
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Yeah but I want something a bit more powerful than the stock fans. Already did a few changes to the build. Decided to go the extra mile after i noticed i had an extra HDD in the build. After i took that out i had a bit more room so i went ahead and changed the 560s to 570s, and got a different case. Looking forward to it now. Total $2150

Lay off the weed you sack and then you got yourself a pc

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