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Player Abuse - HG|£Ninja


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1. Abuser name: HG |£Ninja

2. Their Steam Id: No idea...

3. What sever: JAILBREAK

4. About what time: 6:47 AM MTN Time / June 9th

5. PROOF: Didn't have time to get proof or do anything for that matter.


I'm a constant player on HnS, but I decided to take a break from it, and I always hear whatnot about this Jailbreak, so I figured I'd try it out. So I go find the server, and I'm at the MOTD, reading up on the rules, and during my reading, Ninja starts telling everyone to ban me. I finish reading up on the rules, but I don't want to do something wrong, so I figured I'd watch in Spectate for a little to see what everyone does. I barely get into spectate at all and everyone's already votebanned me.


I was in the server, maybe, if I was lucky, a grand total of a minute and a half, and I"ve never touched the server before.


Reprimand the ass or something, but either way.... what the fuck.



  1. ] (Taken from the Server page)

Dont tread on me





HG |��ۣNinja

Hot Pocket




turn around when you read t

Edited by LordVodka
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That sucks, but that sounds odd.

I can join spec for extended periods of time, and nobody says a thing. (under aliases as well)


Sorry that this happened.

But how do you blame ninja for the abuse?



Edited by vandium
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I was reading the rules, and I could see his very obvious tag show up when he spoke. He's also the only one in there who could possibly know me from the HnS server.


And as I said, I barely had the time to read the Jailbreak rules and join spectator, much less get a screenshot or demo of it. I was trying to read the rules so I could follow them and play. I didn't realize joining Jailbreak and reading the rules before playing was something to get the entire server to voteban over.




And you're a part of HG, of course no one will voteban you. And if you use an alias, then no one knows its you.

I am and always am Lord Vodka (except when I leave HnS, and come back under a different name temporarily to see if someone will cheat just because the admin left).

Whereas, yeah, I assume it's just a joking prank, but I really don't appreciate not getting to try out Jailbreak for an entire hour just because someone felt the need to be an

ass and get the server to voteban someone they don't know, JUST because he's in HG.

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Well most people can be in HG if they apply and follow the rules.

Him being HG does not prevent him from getting votebanned. (unless he is immune, which I doubt)


Well for some obvious reason, you and ninja must have a history of female drama.

If you woulda taken a screenshot of your console, we could have taken action and got him in here.


But as of this, all we can do is question him.

Maybe you should play under an alias as well, to prevent this.


We don't condone HG members or whoever, abusing the voting system. But it happens.

Please provide proof of any further issues, and we will be able to assist you better.

Jailbreak is not on the global system, so I cannot unban from work.


It is a 2 hour ban, you will just have to wait it out or find someone to unban.

I will talk to ninja today.

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I Don't think ENINJA is a common admin, I have been on the server for the pas four days and haven't heard of him he must be new. However I don't really think its admin abuse to tell everyone the should vote for him to be banned, just ask his banned appealed. Even when Joppa a senor admin came into the server and asked everyone to change the gravity back to normal for the first 7 votes everyone said no. Also have you seen ENINJA on other servers? Maybe you did something to him that would want you to be banned.

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I Don't think ENINJA is a common admin, I have been on the server for the pas four days and haven't heard of him he must be new. However I don't really think its admin abuse to tell everyone the should vote for him to be banned, just ask his banned appealed. Even when Joppa a senor admin came into the server and asked everyone to change the gravity back to normal for the first 7 votes everyone said no. Also have you seen ENINJA on other servers? Maybe you did something to him that would want you to be banned.


Voteban and votegravity is different. Many people enjoyed the gravity, as a change of pace.

Initiating a voteban for personal reasons will get you removed from the clan, as well as possibly the whole cluster..


We would like our members to set a good example, and help increase traffic.

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yea, ENinja is a bitch, he has done it before to people for no reason at all, i was admin and he even tried votebanning me as soon as i got in.


Do I really have to say screenshots or demos again? ;)

That is another reason we like everyone in vent too. Because you can just holler at someone and they can pop in and observe.


That will save you from having to take demos or screens.

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yeah that's the same thing i done when it was my first time joining the server went spec read the rules. But as well you still need a demo or SS to prove your case. If i was you i would join as you done before if he is in there hurry and get a demo recording or as take a SS whenever you are getting votebanned. As i'm sure vendium will have a talk with this guy to see what is going on.

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