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Need Help(not just psycological)


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Hey loser.

Goto a search engine like Yahoo and copy/paste "page_fault_in_non_paged_area".


I did a quick check, and there are several other people complaining about this. I doubt it is your cs, since it is just now starting to do this. It might be another program that you recently installed.

I see a few people comlaining about torrent programs being their culprits, this sound like a possibility?


Also, stop looking at porn sites and downloading files from them. No thats not really a video of Jessica Alba naked....



**And ace might be right also, hacks are a nono**

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Have you installed any new hardware lately, especially RAM. Are you using vista or xp? What brand of comp? Reboot the computer and run diagnostics. Hopefully, its not the same problem as mine this past September (blue screen of death on vista + page_fault_in_non_paged_area and another "critical error"). Check to see if diagnostics finds any problems with your harddrive. It could be bad sectors on your hard drive. If so, you can continue to use your hard drive, however, after a while the bad sectors will multiply, and then start increasing exponentially. Eventually, it'll crash, come up long enough to back up any files and folders you want but still crash here and there. I hope you have a warranty :) I got my hard drive replaced on my laptop for free, but they forgot to send me recovery disks. I installed the new hard drive thinking it might have a built in windows vista startup just like our old HP Desktop did w/ xp. It didn't. Then waited 2 weeks for recovery disks. I called 3 times asking where they were and ended up with 3 copies of recovery disks after 2 weeks ^_^ Best of luck.




It could be bad RAM. Using a dell? If you have multiple sticks of RAM that you've installed yourself or etc, try taking them out/swapping them out and see if it helps. Try downloading a memtest and see if its buggy ram.


Keep us updated ^_^

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Page faults in non paged areas has to do with how windows handles memory swaps from the hard drives to memory. Basically windows realizes that it's a bloat-ware piece of crap and wastes the crap out of RAM resources. To overcome this shortfall, it tries to actively keep in memory only what it thinks it will use (or what has been used recently). The other parts of memory that are just sitting unused are "paged" out to the disk. This means that the OS takes the unused parts of memory and writes them to disk then remembers where it's at in case it needs them. This is the reason that if you haven't used a window in a forever then bring it up it sometimes takes a few seconds. That is the OS swapping the paged memory section from disk back into memory and then loading it, thusly the slow loading. If you're getting these errors, there can be a few causes.


RAM can be one issue. If you have a CD burner you should goto http://www.memtest.org/ and download an ISO and burn it to CD. This software is a memory testing utility that you have to boot from. Burn it, leave it in the drive and reboot (assuming your BIOS is setup to boot CD/Floppy->Hard Disk 1). MemTest86 will boot off of the disk and automatically start running a test. What the program does it write to EVERY sector of memory in RAM and then read from it to make sure it's getting the same values back. Essentially if you RAM is failing, it will show up here in bold red and let you know. I recommend letting your computer go through 8 passes at least before calling it good. Sometimes sectors of RAM will fail only sometimes, which is why I recommend 8 passes complete before calling it good. I used to build computers for a living and I've never seen memory come up bad after 7 passes (I tested ALOT).


Hard drive could be another problem. Bit-torrent as mentioned before is often thought of as a culprit, although it's really usually not. Bit-torrent when it creates a file pre-reserves all needed hard disk space and occupies all of it even when it doesn't have the data to fill the sectors. As it gets the data it fills it in, which alot of people thinks causes high amounts of fragmentation on the drive, which CAN cause serious performance issues. This understanding, however, is flawed. I would recommend deleting any unneeded/unused files on your drive and then defragmenting your hard drive. This almost always leads to performance gains and sometimes fixes BSOD (blue screen of death) problems like this.


Another issue can be un-installed or out of date (although out of date isn't usually a problem) IDE controller drivers. This is especially true if you're running a motherboard that has an nVidia chipset and requires nVidia drivers for the IDE controller. The windows drivers actually work just as well and will cause less problems (crashes and otherwise) than the drivers nVidia will give you. You can check this by right clicking on my computers, properties, hardware tab, device manager. Under there goto IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers. If there's any exclamation marks there, or anywhere else in the list for that matter, you need to update/reinstall drivers for those devices. I've seen this cause many problems.


If you do all that and it still doesn't fix the problem, do a fresh install of windows. Outside of those three problems, windows is really the only other common problem that can cause this. Occasionally you'll see a fluke hardware issue that only occurs rarely that will cause it, but again...it's uncommon.


Hope that helps, if ya need anything else, post and I'll read it whenever the **** I get around to it.

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I'm kind of a big deal. I have various leather bound folios and an apartment that smells of rich mahogany. But seriously, that video is pretty much the greatest thing ever. To paraphrase for those who haven't seen, I was interviewed by the local news station about the Sony DRM rootkit fiasco and it basically went like this:


Sony, an international multi-billion dollar grossing company, says that this software is not harmful, BUT GAALAAS (me) says...


Basically I got my little moment in the spotlight and noone could argue with me for like two weeks or so while my head was still huge. Seriously, if I can call BS on Sony and have it carried on the local news, why the ef would you even TRY to argue with me?

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Double click>My Computer>Right-Click hard drive left click properties> Click tools tab> Click error checking> check both boxes> click ok click ok> Reboot > dont touch shit let it run scan disk and fix whatever crap you farghed up your pc with.




Find the windows XP CD(if its not XP **** you, you should know better) boot it to the windows installer before it gets to any formatting its gonna say " Hey you already have this installed want to repair it?" Click yes. It will act as though its reinstalling windows at no point will it say anything about formatting. If it does youre doing it wrong like you do everything in life. eventually it will ask you for a cd key so have it ready . other than that all its doing is repairing the windows install which can get corrupted.




format and reinstall windows. If that doesn't work your harddrives bad. You can buy one from me cheaply. No I don't take Spinning ****ing Rims in trade.

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