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ScarL3t Banned Permanently from All HG Servers


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1. Your in-game name: ScarL3t

2. Server that you where banned on: Global ban

3. The Banning admin: Not sure

4. Your Steam-Id: 0:0:667032

5. Reason for ban: Hacking?


Im not sure what happened, apprently i got banned a while ago like 2 months ago for cheating on deathmatch or something. but please... unban me.. My Steam id was hijacked by a impersonator a few months ago, and finally after speaking numerous times over email with steam, i was able to persuade them that this was indeed my account. Now that i cant play in my favorite server, its kinda boring


I REALLY WANNA PLAY HIDE AND SEEK MOD. I was always on that server every day and i have NEVER ONCE cheated in any HG server ( or source overall ) .. Please.. i dont know when i was banned because i took a 3 month break due to school etc. and i am globaly banned for cheating..


I promise you this was not me.. i am not that stupid to get perm banned from a server that i always play in.. Now that im back i really wanna play hide and seek at niipperhouse ;[ So please... please... pleaseeee unban me... If i did anything wrong im so sorry i just want to play.. ill do anything ;*(

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