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Should I buy Skyrim?


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Hey guys,

I was just wondering what your thoughts are on Skyrim. Is it worth me trying it before buying? I played Oblivion and had a fun time going through the story and side-quests. Do you think I would enjoy Skyrim if I enjoyed Oblivion?




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From this point on let it be known that we will not be mentioning torrenting at all. Also everyone who does this loses my respect because this game took years to make, and should get every penny they earned. So Rev I would suggest you buy it and not do what you said you were going to do.

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Yeah, I do agree with you, in the last few years I have come to realise that torrenting isn't really fair on the company. Since my second post, I am contemplating getting it on PS3 because I prefer games such as Skyrim and Dragon Age on console, and my PC in its current state will have a bit of trouble running it anyway.

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From this point on let it be known that we will not be mentioning torrenting at all. Also everyone who does this loses my respect because this game took years to make, and should get every penny they earned. So Rev I would suggest you buy it and not do what you said you were going to do.


This x1000

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