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Power Supply for i Series Motherboards


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Hey, HG. I have a question regarding power supplies.

A couple of years ago, before the intel i-series processors came out, I built a pc.


Long story short, I want to upgrade my motherboard/processor to i5 n stuff. DO I NEED TO UPGRADE MY POWER SUPPLY?



Edit: I just need to know if a pre-i series power supply work on an i series motherboard.

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We need to know what power supply you have before we can tell you that you need an upgrade.


EDIT: From what I gather a 400w is ok, but it is best to go for something between 500-550w (12volt rails) for a single graphics card, and 700-750 (also 12volt rails) for two graphics cards.


It also depends slightly on your particular card/s energy efficiency.

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I don't have it with me at the moment. My main question is, will a pre-i series power supply work on an i series motherboard?


Seeing that it is just an i5, i would say that you are safe with 500-600w. So as long as this power supply is within that mark, you will be fine.

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I just don't know if it has the correct type/amount of connectors and stuff.


Well, If your current one has AT then it's not going to work. These days you will need one with ATX. Although if you are wanting to use two GFX cards in the near future, I would suggest getting one with SLI. You should be fine with what you have though.

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Okay, thanks. It's not old enough to be AT, I'm just worried that it only has a 4 pin connector for the processor instead of 8 for the mobo I'm looking at. I'll just have to look at my desktop when I get back to my dorm.


@Jella NEVAAAAAAAR!!!! >:D


Most new power supply's have a 8pin connector, but like when my old power supply recently crapped out it had a 4 pin, my corsair has a 8 pin But! is able to break apart for a 4 pin access, make sure you look into that. Hope this helps.

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Most new power supply's have a 8pin connector, but like when my old power supply recently crapped out it had a 4 pin, my corsair has a 8 pin But! is able to break apart for a 4 pin access, make sure you look into that. Hope this helps.


My issue is the opposite. From what I remember, my psu has a 4pin connector, but the motherboard I want has an 8pin plug. I looked around, and there are adapters for 4pin to 8pin connectors. uses molex+4pin to make 8pin. Seems a bit cheaper than buying a whole new psu lol. This is what I'm talking about: http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-6in-Pin-Power-Adapter/dp/B002O21XHQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

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My issue is the opposite. From what I remember, my psu has a 4pin connector, but the motherboard I want has an 8pin plug. I looked around, and there are adapters for 4pin to 8pin connectors. uses molex+4pin to make 8pin. Seems a bit cheaper than buying a whole new psu lol. This is what I'm talking about: http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-6in-Pin-Power-Adapter/dp/B002O21XHQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top


Yes that will work fine. Assuming your PSU is a name brand it will be fine on i-series.

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