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New PC need some Feedback!


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So I finally decided to buy a new PC since the one I have now is basically non upgradable...


What I have now is:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+ 2.2Ghz

Some ASUS Mobo with 1 PCI-E x16 slot and simple features Socket AM2 and blah blah

1 Seagate 250GB harddrive which only has about 4gb left of free space and seems to be losing more while I sit here and do nothing -_-

450W Dynex PSU

1 EVGA 9800gtx+ 512mb GPU

Case CoolerMaster 310 Elite

And some flashing lights and stuf liek fans and cold cathodes and stuff.

Oh and 3GB of RAM from different brands and different speeds. lol.

some crappy pics of it:


Now on to the new PC and what I am currently planning to order is this:




Now a few questions I have is.. Will this be good enough for games like BF3 and other future games? (Will it run CSS??)

Is the 2 6870s a good choice? or should I buy a single 6970?

A single 6970 now and add another later?

Should I ditch the 6 core and go with Bulldozer?

Is there anything missing in that list? (other than mouse, keyboard, and monitor I have those things)


Sooo uuhh I think thats it... I have done some of my own research around the web but I keep getting mixed answers about the whole 2 6870s vs a single 6970 stuff...

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Now a few questions I have is.. Will this be good enough for games like BF3 and other future games? (Will it run CSS??)

Is the 2 6870s a good choice? or should I buy a single 6970?

A single 6970 now and add another later?

Should I ditch the 6 core and go with Bulldozer?


1. It will be fine for running current games, but unless your desperate, I would wait a tiny bit longer for a new GFX card. Oh, and it can't run CSS. Sorry.

2.If they are the only cards that you are contemplating/able to buy. I would choose a single 6970. If you are willing to have a look at another card, check out the GTX 590 Ti.

3. Not too sure about this one, but I would recommend the Bulldozer.

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looks great to me

I cannot justify the price between the 8 core dozer and the 1100t. If you want to spend more then 250$ go with the i7 2600

go with the 1100t (got the 1090t basically the same chip just clocked higher. You will love it)

great mobo choice

case is great built my brothers build in a phantom tons of room.

2 6870 scale great. But if you know you can add a 6970 in the near future then go for the 6970. just remeber 2 6870 are better then a single 6970 but not better then 2 6970 so just make sure you can spend the extra cash in the near future :P


If you are willing to have a look at another card, check out the GTX 590 Ti.

you do know there is a 400 dollar price difference between 2 6870s and a single 590 right?

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you do know there is a 400 dollar price difference between 2 6870s and a single 590 right?


Yes I do, that's why I said "if you are willing". Ofcourse it is a huge difference from the cards he has suggested. But if he has the cash to splash. It is worth it.


Didn't even think about 2x 6970. That is a good option as well, if you are able to afford it.

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You've got a good build there, I just dont like that gfx card. Coming from an Nvidia fanboy I'd go with an EVGA gtx 570 which is only $350, and then from there if you want to upgrade down the road another 570 will only be around $300, maybe lower if you find a good deal.


Even if you decide to go with a single slot a gtx 580 will take on any game with ease, and thats the same price as the 6970. And i'd get a different case tbh, anything from the HAF series or antec would be a good choice. And remember if your going to upgrade to an sli build down the road you may have to upgrade your power supply.

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Even if you decide to go with a single slot a gtx 580 will take on any game with ease, and thats the same price as the 6970.

gtx 580 is about 500 bucks. 6970 is about 350$

not even close my friend. But the 570 is a great alternative to the 6970 but the cards offer about the same performance.

Also he lives in cali. Tax is ridiculous

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Well I decided to go with a single 6970 now and then adding a second one in a few weeks.




Thats all I changed and I'm keeping that phantom case because I've seen it up close and it is very spacious and seems to do good with airflow. I also added an ssd to the build so I think I'm pretty much set...


Thanks for the feedback you guys! :)

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Well I decided to go with a single 6970 now and then adding a second one in a few weeks.


This is the card I have now and I promise that you will be extremely happy with it. I am the biggest stickler about any game that goes below 60 fps and it just doesn't happen with this card for at least the games I play and this includes games like BC2, WoW, any source game. This is with settings on max as well.

Edited by ^TheRumor^
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