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Skyz -- Wont be online for a while


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I wont be online for a while due to my pc being infected with a rogue scanner, aka

win 7 internet security 2012. I have been trying to remove it but all the spyware and malware removers get blocked by the rogue prgm, and i csant access the internet to well. so Ill be offline for a while and I dont know when ill be back. im using my dads macbook so i might be able to stay active on the forum but not on css. if anyone can help me get rid of the crap on my pc that would be awesome (before I reformat my drive).

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Look into getting a rescue disk (or an offline AV scanner)

(example: http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208282173


Make sure to have a flash drive handy if you have a Windows-based computer.

You don't need to be on the infected computer to do this, even your dad's macbook will let you burn the ISO image required to use the disk. (http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/rescuedisk/main?qid=208282484)


In any matter, good luck.

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Had the same virus a while back.

download malware bytes onto a usb from another pc (macbook will work) then boot you pc in safe mode. install malware bytes while in safe mode reboot. Then start up again in safe mode and run malware bytes. If it doesn't work then you need a blocker to block the virus. I don't remember what it was called though =[

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Had the same virus a while back.

download malware bytes onto a usb from another pc (macbook will work) then boot you pc in safe mode. install malware bytes while in safe mode reboot. Then start up again in safe mode and run malware bytes. If it doesn't work then you need a blocker to block the virus. I don't remember what it was called though =[


This ^. Just boot up in 'Safe Mode With Networking' and download Malwarebytes from here http://www.malwarebytes.org/ . Run a full scan, delete threat, reboot, then enjoy having your PC back.


IDk how many pc's ive had to fix because of this.

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I went in got rid of it manualy, I fallowed the steps online and got rid of it, but ill still be offline for a bit because im going on vacation with a special friend of mine. so ill be back in like a week, but ill bring my new laptop with me to stay active on forums k. ^_^

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