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Tribes Ascend


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Anyone have the closed beta to this? What are your thoughts? I CANT WAIT TILL ITS OUT, I got into the beta last night and its definitely one of the most fun shooters I've played in a long time. And you know what? It's going to be free to play when it does come out! Its being developed by the same company that made Global Agenda and it definitely plays out like the original Tribes (except without all the fucking lag) and the maps are still just as big.

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Its very fun, even in closed beta.


I did some reading up and Hi Rez is doing some weird F2p pricing structure. I guess since it will be free I can't really complain, but what some people are saying is that it's taking them 50-150 hours to earn enough tokens to unlock a class. It's a beta so hopefully the devs will tweak that some. youtube vids of it look nice though

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